Great And Mighty Things Are In Store!

‘Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. ‘ Jeremiah 33: 3, NKJV

Lord, we look with great longing to see the wonderful things that You have in store for us.  In Jesus’ name; Amen

Our promise for today represents an interaction between God and us.  We are invited to call, and God promises to answer and show us great and mighty things that are new to us; things we never knew!  But for this communication to be effective, we must be attentive to both hear and see what the Lord will say, and show us.

We call to God in prayer.  Don’t be afraid to ask Him for what you need.  He promises to answer us; and He keeps His promise!  Have you just received bad news from your doctor?  Call to Him; you will be surprised what great and mighty things He may have in store for your healing!  You need a job? Call to Him; He may have a job for you that you never thought you could ever qualify for!  Is your marriage at its lowest level, one wrong word or look is all that is needed for it to fall apart, permanently?  Call to Him; He will put a word in your mouth that you had not thought of, but was exactly what was needed to spark the flame of love anew!  God wants to show us great and mighty things that we never heard of.  He wants to shock us!  But we must call on Him, and do not forget to listen for an answer! 

An announcement had been published in the daily newspaper.  The telegraph company was searching for a young man to train.  The elderly gentleman who had spent the last fifty years of his life sending telegrams was nearing retirement.  He wanted to be sure that he was leaving his job in the best hands possible.  The people of this small, far away, town depended on this service. 

Many young men had applied, and all the applicants were supposed to show up at the telegraph company on Monday morning at seven a.m. sharp, to be interviewed.  When Edward arrived his heart sank.  He thought he would be the first to arrive, but at six twenty a. m., there were at least twenty five young men there ahead of him.  So many applicants for one position!  Soon the office was buzzing with the sound of the excited voices of the young men who had come for the interview.  Because it was a small town almost everyone knew everyone else. 

Edward said hello and chatted for a few minutes with some of his friends, then he found a seat in a corner and was soon lost in his thoughts.  Suddenly, amidst the chatter, he heard a coded message coming from the back office:  “Anyone who hears this message please come into the office for an interview.”  He looked around to see if anyone else had heard the message.  No one seemed to have heard, so he quickly made his way into the back office.  He was greeted by Mr. Smith who smiled, shook his hand, and said:  “The job is yours young man.  Anyone who could hear this message in the midst of the other voices, must possess the listening skills that are needed for the job.”

It is very important that we learn to distinguish the voice of God amidst all the other voices that clamor for our attention.  On every hand we are bombarded with messages.  Some are helpful, some are not.  But constantly listening to Him through His Word, and developing spiritual listening skills through prayer, will facilitate our hearing Him at all times, but especially when it is crucial.

It is important that we call, it is equally important that we look and listen!  Blessings!

Great And Mighty Things Are In Store!

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