I Can Do All Things Through Christ! – Part 2

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4: 13, NKJV

Dear Lord, here we are again, waiting to hear a word from You.  Please speak to us we pray.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen

Yesterday I said that we would look at this text again, strictly within its context.  Let us consider the situation leading to our promise.  Paul is apparently writing from prison.  He is thanking the Philippians for the gift they sent him by the hands of Epaphroditus (We spoke about this approximately a week or so ago). 

He uses an expression of “indifference,” known as “Stoics ideal” (NRSV, The New Oxford Annotated Bible reference).  The stoics appeared unaffected by emotions.  They demonstated unusual patience and endurance when confronted with adversity.  Their belief was that we only achieve happiness by accepting the good things and the bad things that come our way.  According to the stoics whatever happened was all a part of our destiny and could not be changed.  This seems to be the idea Paul is building upon.

Then suddenly he adds a powerful and magnificent twist to the stoical ideal.  He shifts the ability to achieve and to endure from the human agent and places it on God.  Paul is saying “it is not I who have the power of endurance, it is Christ!”  Only in Christ “I have learned to be content with whatever I have.  [In Christ] I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty.  [And through Christ] [i]n any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (11-13, NRSV). 

I love it!  Paul gives the glory to God!  It is not merely human discipline.  It is not only due to the fact that I bring my body under subjection.  Even if I did all of this, had it not been for Christ, the change would not be effective; but with Christ, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

As with Paul, the same is true for us.  Our best resolutions become of no effect when we try to live them out in our own strength and will power, but when we take Christ’s yoke upon us, our efforts for good are shared.  Christ and us become one and He lives the life of victory in us, and through us.

Try Christ today.  You too can become invincible!

I Can Do All Things Through Christ! – Part 2

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