The Power Of The Word Of God

How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. Psalm 119: 9, NKJV

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Holy Word, that has been given to us to keep us “clean.”  Please help us to make good use of it; in Jesus’ name.  Amen

Today our promise is dedicated especially to the youth; but I am sure you will agree with me, that we can all  benefit by taking heed to the Word of God.  Cleansing is promised to those who take heed; those who pay attention to, who regard, God’s Word.  Stated differently, those who practice God’s Word.  In the epistle of James we read the following:  “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1: 22).  Listening to the word being read, or preached, can be uplifting and inspiring; but if inspiration is not follwed by action, it will soon become of none effect.  You see, one behavior builds upon the other.  If you act upon your inspiration you keep it alive; if you keep it alive, it encourages change.  If you don’t act upon it, it soon dwindles away and dies, and everything remains the same, or gets worse.

But the apostle adds another dimension to the process, he says that by only hearing, and not doing, we deceive ourselves.  In what way do we deceive ourselves?  It could be, that many of us believe that a quick reading of the Word every day, as we awaken, or just before going to bed, is going to bring about a desired change in us.  But experience has taught us that that is not the way it works.  The truth is, unless a student puts into practice the lessons he or she is learning, he or she will soon forget what they have learned.  James 1: 23-25 seem to confirm this, “For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act-they will be blessed in their doing.”

It has been proven, that true learning takes place by doing, practicing the concepts that we read about in the text books. That is the reason for homework.  No doubt there are exceptions to this rule, but the norm is, that we learn by doing.  The apostle James even adds to that by saying, that the good we learn by doing, becomes a blessing (25)!

Perhaps the reason the Psalmist chose as his main audiencc the youth, was because it is the period in life when we are most severely challenged in maintaining purity of thought, and of behavior.  It is the prime time for the “dance of the hormones;” and our decision-making capabilities are tested to their limit!  It is the period, I believe, when parents spend more time on their knees, and are most faithful in attending prayer meeting. Parents answer more altar calls for special prayer for themselves, and/or their loved ones, during this time than at all other periods of their lives combined!  Perhaps that is because parents, more than anyone else, know how crucial the active (practical) Word of God is to their children during youth.

I love the youth; and whenever I have an opportunity to talk to them I remind them of their great potential, and of how God, and their church is depending on them to keep the work moving forward; not when we older ones are gone from the scene, but right now!  I also tell them that I know of no better way for them to be prepared to do this than by the faithful study of the Word of God.  It not only strengthens us in resisting evil; it also equips us to do the work.

Today I say the same thing to people of all ages, How can we get beyond the backbiting, and gossip, and criticism, and jealousy, and lying, and lack of love?  “By taking heed according to God’s Word.”

The Power Of The Word Of God

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