He Is Able To Save Us!

Therefore [H]e is able to save completely those who come to God through     [H]im, because [H]e always lives to intercede for them. Such a [H]igh [P]riest meets our needs-one who is holy, blameless, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Hebrews 7: 25, 26, NIV

Dear God, please be close to us and assist us as we come together to study Your Word. May Your Holy Spirit guide us in this study, for Christ’s sake. Amen

Today we will be studying about our great High Priest, Jesus Christ, the righteous. One of the main functions of the high priest was to offer sacrifices on behalf of himself, the people, and also for the cleansing of the sanctuary (Leviticus 9: 1-7; 16: 16, 33). There were offerings that everyone could afford. No one could ever say that they could not have their sins atoned for, because they were too poor. When Jesus was a baby his earthly parents took Him to the temple, in compliance with the ceremonial law of sacrifices. They were so poor, that they had to offer the more humble offering (12: 6-8). In all things our great High Priest has identified with us!

The sacrificial system was set in place, to show the world how offensive sin is to God, and at the same time to point men and women to the Lamb of God who would one day come and pay the supreme price with His own life, to take away the sins of the world. The sinner had to take an innocent animal before the altar of sacrifice, and slit his throat. The priest would then take the blood of the animal and sprinkle it on the horns of the altar in the holy place, and pour the remainder of the blood at the base of the altar. I believe God’s intention was for humankind to get to the place where they abhorred sin. Instead, we see them becoming so at home with the slaughtering of these innocent animals that God became sick of their meaningless sacrifices (Isaiah 1: 10-18).

Then Jesus came. The perfect Sacrifice! Fully God, and fully man. With His arm of sinless flesh He took hold of man, and with His arm of omnipotence He took hold of God the Father, and bridged the gap between heaven and earth, that sin had caused. He who knew no sin became sin, yet sin did not become a part of Him; that He might destroy sin in the flesh. He became both Sacrifice and High Priest. So perfect a Sacrifice that He only had to be offered once! He is the Sacrifice that everyone can afford; He is there for the choosing, without money, and without price, He is offered “freely” (Revelation 22: 17) for the sins of the world. Yet the price He paid was anything BUT cheap (1 Peter 1: 18, 19). And now He is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us (Hebrews 10: 1-14). Blessed Sacrifice! Blessed Savior!

“Wherefore God also has highly exalted [H]im and given [H]im a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2: 9-11, NIV).

I want to be there on that day, and join my voice in confessing His Lordship, what about you?

NOTE: My most sincere apologies for the late publishing of yesterday’s devotional. I am traveling, and am experiencing some irregularities in my publications; as you will notice, on our Prayer Request page. I have reported it and hope that it will soon be corrected. Please continue to visit “our” website (yours and mine), and keep it in prayer. Thank you, and, be blessed!

He Is Able To Save Us!

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