The Blessings Of Joy!

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17: 22, NKJV.

Dear God, please teach us Your joy, that we might be blessed; for Christ’s sake; Amen.

It is interesting to note that joy is a part of the fruit of the Spirit, and a merry heart is a by-product of joy.  The Lord, in the place of mourning, gives us “the oil of joy; and the garment of praise, for the spirit of heaviness” (Isaiah 61: 3).  Joy oftentimes precedes praise; and when we are sad, and we begin to praise, heaviness, will eventually depart from us; because praise, from a sincere, and grateful heart, inevitably, produces joy!  It is a virtuous cycle!

Do you notice how people enjoy being in the presence of someone who is cheerful?  These people seem to emanate positive rays, that energize, and encourage, and fill you.  In their presence you get the feeling that all is well.  I am not talking about a simple carefree attitude of, “que sera, sera” (“what will be, will be”).  I am referring to people who are responsible; who does everything in his or her power, to bring about desired results, and in the process, with its ups and downs, maintains a positive, cheerful, spirit.  I wish I could say that I am such a person, but unfortunately, I have not arrived there yet!  I have moments of deep anxiety when things do not seem to be working out the way I believe they should.  Thank God, He is still working on me!

Notice the implications of having, or not, a cheerful heart.  One is health producing; “does good like medicine.”  That is what medicine should do, shouldn’t it?  It should produce health, or at the very least, help to restore it, if it is lost.  A “broken spirit,” which is just the opposite, “dries the bones.”  Is it any small wonder that our hospitals are so loaded with sick folk?  We live in a world of disappointments, and frustrations; of broken dreams, and broken hearts, that bring as a consequence, broken spirits.  What is even more tragic, is the fact that many of these people are dealing with these situations without a Savior!  My heart bleeds for them!

Therefore, today I invite you, who are facing sad, and seemingly hopeless, situations, all by yourself, to come to Jesus.  The psalmist had this to say:  “In Your (Jesus’) presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16: 11).  You should not have to face life alone; it is too hard!  Jesus will meet you where you are, and will take you to heights of fulfillment and joy that you never dreamed of!  Not the empty laughter that the world produces when everything seems to be “marching well;” but the deep and abiding “joy of the Lord, shall be your strength,” even in the midst of perplexities. 

Give Him your sorrow today, and accept His joy.  It will do you good, like good medicine

The Blessings Of Joy!

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