Where Is God?

Why, O LORD, do [Y]ou stand far off?  Why do [Y]ou hide [Y]ourself in times of trouble? Psalm 10: 1, NIV.

Heavenly Father, even when it seems that You are far from us, please teach us, from Your Word, that You are always near.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

Today, we continue looking at some of the hard questions asked by the psalmist.  These are some of the questions that some of us think about, but do not dare to ask.  This psalm is considered a part of Psalm 9; that is, Psalms 9 and 10, constitute one psalm in the Septuagint.  David begins this part of the psalm with a very pointed question:  God where are You in times of trouble?  Why do You hide Yourself?  Why aren’t You standing close to me, holding me?  Why do I feel as if You are standing far from me? 

Have you ever felt this way?  Have you ever felt as if the wicked was having his or her way, while God seemed oblivious to what was happening?  The plots of the evil person seemed to be prospering; and the weak is at his mercy?  Therefore, the wicked become puffed up, even against God.  There is no place for God in his or her life; God is not even in their thoughts; yet they seem to prosper in all that they do (2-5).

Wickedness appears to be the order of the day.  The wicked begin to feel as if they are invincible!  They lie in wait while the innocent fall into their trap.  Because they believe that their wickedness will go unpunished; they curse, and threaten, and lie.  They conclude that “God has forgotten:  [H]e covers [H]is face and never sees” (6-11).

The strength and beauty of these psalms; is that although they may begin on a note of discouragement, or anger, or both; the psalmist does not remain in a defeatist mode.  Because he knows God, he knows that victory is already his, no matter what seems to be!  Like the prophet Elisha, he knows that they that are for him, are greater than they that are against him (1 Kings 6: 17)!  So the psalmist with the greatest of confidence calls upon God to “arise,” and come to his defence!  He expresses his confidence in God, who does not leave his children defenseless!  He acknowledges that God does see “trouble and grief,” and does call people into account!  He refers to God as, “the helper of the fatherless” (14).

He is the same God “who sees [you and me]” (Genesis 16: 13)!  We are not abandoned or forsaken.  God is not far from us in our suffering.  That is when He is nearer than ever!  As in the poem “Footprints,” when we only see one pair of footprints, that is when He is carrying us in His loving arms!

Do not be afraid to ask questions my friend.  But when you do, wait for an answer; for God will respond!  And when He does, you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that He never left your side; not for a single moment! 

Where Is God?

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