“In The Fullness Of Time…”

But when the fulness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.  And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son, into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”  Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Galatians 4: 3-6, NKJV.

Dear God, Please teach us how to have peace while we wait on You.  In the name of Your Son, Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

Today, we return to the topic of time, and waiting.  Perhaps this is the most difficult discipline to learn in the Christian’s journey, how to wait!  Our text for today, helps us to view the relationship of God to time, from a different perspective than the one we we looked at a few days ago.  We are going to look at it from the “at the right time,” model.  When the time is right, God will… But that “right time” is entirely dependent on God, not us.

“But when the fulness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”

The fullness of time had come.  The “right time” for the Plan of Salvation to be put into motion was here; then Jesus came!   It was not until conditions were what they should be, that God gave His Son, and the Son laid down His life.  But the plan was ready from the foundation of the world!  Perhaps, it is because most of us dwell in a mode of, “fix as the need arrives,” that we cannot understand how God interracts with time.  When I worked for the army, there was a very popular saying:  “If it is not broken, don’t fix it.”  That is because most of us do not see the need to have a plan, just in case it breaks.  God does!

Even before man sinned, God had a plan, just in case!  Whether that was due to God’s foreknowledge or not, is not important!  That is just the way God is, He is never caught by surprise!  I believe we are anxious over many things, just like Martha (Luke 10: 41) was, because we do not understand what God’s plan is.  There are a few Marys who do (42).  Mary found out what God’s plan was, by sitting at His feet, while Martha, in her anxiety, thought that she could improve God’s plan, “Lord, … tell [my sister] to help me” (40).

We are anxious while we wait, because we do not know that God has a perfect plan for the life of everyone who is born into the world.  Those who accept Christ as their Savior, are no longer slaves, but heirs; their lives are brought within His perfect plan.  Therefore, God is working out the plan for their lives.  Regardless of what the short-term plan may be, God’s long-term plan for our lives, is that we be saved!  So God has to weave every interruption (Genesis 50: 20), that comes our way, into His Master Plan; in an effort to bring about our salvation!  While we are busy finding ourselves the perfect partner in life; or the best paying job, or our dream house; God is busy making sure that, that partner, or that job, or that dream house, does not keep us from entering the kingdom of God!  That is not an easy task!

The difference between becoming anxious, and being able to wait on the Lord, is to trust His timing; and to know that, “in the fullness of [His] time,” if we are willing to grow while we wait, the answer will come!

“In The Fullness Of Time…”

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