I Am A Work Of Art – And So Are You!

For [Y]ou created my inmost being; [Y]ou knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise [Y]ou because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; [Y]our works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from [Y]ou when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, [Y]our eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in [Y]our book before one of them came to be.  How precious to me are [Y]our thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.  When I awake, I am still with [Y]ou. Psalm 139: 13-18, NIV.

Blessed LORD, we rejoice in the fact that we are not an accident!  We were planned; not only, or necessarily, by human parents, but by the Great God of the Universe.  Therefore, please “come by here,” and teach us the sweet mystery of our existence!  In the name of Jesus we pray; Amen.

There is a lot of disagreement, regarding when life actually begins.  I am not going to add my grain of salt to the argument.  I simply want to share with “whosoever will,” what I received while studying the Word of God.  The first consideration is that:

We were created by God!  One cannot read, or think, or say, that, without an immediate praise/worship response!  At the very least, I cannot!  I become very emotional at the thought that the One and Only true God, molded you and me, and fashioned us, in His image, and after His likeness.  I believe all of us would become very excited if we knew all that this represented!  My mind cannot fully grasp, all that went into our creation; but the end result does speak loud and clear to the fact that we were formed in love, by the delicate touch of the Master’s hand! You have only to look at the perfectly formed fingers, and toes, of a newborn baby and be inspired by the fact that a Power above, and beyond us, was at work in creating such a masterpiece!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Have you ever wondered how someone who was born blind, or became blind, could develop into an extraordinary musician, or poet, or both?  Have you ever pondered how someone who had polio, as a child, could become so good at a sport, that they would be selected to participate in the olympics, and become a gold medal winner?  Have you ever asked yourself how it is possible for a child born, and raised, under very unpromising conditions, to become a great statesperson?  Has it ever occurred to you that given the right conditions, the body has the power to “heal itself,” of virtually any, and every, disease?  Whenever you find yourself in the presence of such a one, or become aware of the fact that someone has experienced such a miracle; just know, that you are in the presence of one of God’s works of art!

The days of our lives are also under His scrutiny. No child of God need ever fear death. He has our days measured, in love and mercy. In Isaiah we read: “The righteous perishes, and no man takes it to heart; merciful men are taken away, while no one considers that the righteous is taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness” (57: 1, 2). What a comforting thought! Even the death of the child of God is sealed in righteousness! He or she is sealed from the evil to come. They rest in peace. While they are walking in uprightness; they are sealed for eternity! Gracious God! His thoughts toward us are always of good! They are too many for us to keep track of. And when all is said and done – we will be still with Him! Nothing can separate us from His endless, perfect, love (Romans 8: 38, 39)!

I Am A Work Of Art – And So Are You!

2 thoughts on “I Am A Work Of Art – And So Are You!

  1. Praise the Lord Mabel, for He has given you words like honey. Your devotional continues to refresh my soul!

  2. Praise the Lord Mabel, for He has given you words like honey. Your devotional continues to refresh my soul!

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