God Is Just! – Part 7

Surely God will never do wickedly, nor the Almighty pervert justice.  Who gave Him charge over the earth?  Or who appointed Him over the whole world?  If He should set His heart on it, if He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, all flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust.  “If you have understanding hear this; listen to the sound of My words:  Should one who hates justice govern?  Will you condemn Him who is most just?  Is it fitting to say to a king, ‘You are worthless,?’  And to nobles, ‘You are wicked?’  Yet He is not partial to princes, nor does He regard the rich more than the poor; for they are all the work of His hands…” Job 34: 12-19, NKJV.

Gracious God, it is our privilege once more to drink from the Living Waters that flow from Your Word.  Please come very close and feed us; we pray in the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.

Today we will look at Eliphaz’s first and second expositions to Job.  Let me hasten to say, that one of the real dangers when we speak to other people’s pain and/or experiences; is that we are speaking, “from a distance.”  There is a saying, “he/she who feels it, knows it.”  We can sympathize, and even empathize, with others’ griefs and pains; but one has to live an experience to really feel and know the nuances that are personal to that particular situation!  Sometimes when I find myself making statements like, I feel your pain, I stop, and correct myself, immediately!  I really have not felt your pain; and frankly, there are some pains that I do not want to feel!  In the same breath, there are some painful experiences that I have had; that I would not want anyone else to feel!  It is time for us to get real, and respectful, in regards to each others’ sufferings!  We make too many broad statements concerning what other people have had to deal with, in the flesh!

In his first exposition, he begins to question Job’s innocence; in a very low-keyed fashion, by asking, ” ‘Think now, who that was innocent ever perished’ ” (4: 7, NRSV)?  Well for his information, Job has almost perished; and as far as we have been able to see, it is not because of anything wrong that he has done!  Where does he get his facts from?  Well, according to him, he had a vision in the night (12-21)!  I must tread  softly here, lest I be found guilty of what I am seeking to correct. 

Nevertheless, the Bible encourages us in the following words:  “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4: 1, NRSV).  There is a striking similarity between his words, ” ‘Call now, is there anyone who will answer you?  To which of the holy ones will you turn (Job 5: 1)?  and the words spoken by the mocking mob to the Savior:  ” ‘Listen, [H]e is calling for Elijah… Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take [H]im down ‘ ” (Mark 15: 35, 36).  Was mockery intended?

In his second discourse, there is no effort made to disguise the fact that he is at variance with Job.  He compares Job’s words to the “east wind,” and, “unprofitable talk” (Job 15: 2, 3).  In his opinion, Job is being irreligious (4).  He is talking about a man, who after losing almost everything, “fell to the ground and worshipped [God]” (1: 20)!  How short we fall in our opinion of others, when we do not care enough, to get all the facts; or, at the very least, be silent, on the things we do not know!  Then he becomes somewhat facetious “Are you the firstborn of the human race?… brought forth before the hills?… Have you listened in the council of God…” (15: 7, 8)?  At this point, he totally disregards Job’s experience in preference for tradition (9, 10)!  Whatever else we do, let us be very careful how we regard the words of others; that are uttered in pain!  We do not have to agree; but we surely need to show respect, for their feelings.  Personally, I believe in this, Eliphaz fell far short!

God Is Just! – Part 7

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