God Is Just! – Part 14

Surely God will never do wickedly, nor the Almighty pervert justice.  Who gave Him charge over the earth?  Or who appointed Him over the whole world?  If He should set His heart on it, if He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, all flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust.  “If you have understanding hear this; listen to the sound of My words:  Should one who hates justice govern?  Will you condemn Him who is most just?  Is it fitting to say to a king, ‘You are worthless,?’  And to nobles, ‘You are wicked?’  Yet He is not partial to princes, nor does He regard the rich more than the poor; for they are all the work of His hands…” Job 34: 12-19, NKJV.

Merciful Father, please speak to our hearts!  We pray in the name of Jesus!  Amen.

We are nearing the end of our series on Job.  We have tried to listen to him and his friends speaking to their issues, in the language of the Twenty-first Century.  We could identify with those issues; perhaps with some of them more than with others.  Today, we will look at the last spokesperson just before God speaks to Job!  You will notice I said spokesperson, because as far as I could see, they all seemed to be speaking on behalf of God!  It is necessary for me to add that they were all self-appointed spokespersons; including Elihu, who we will listen to today.

Elihu begins his discourse on an angry note (Job 32: 2)!  He is angry because none of Job’s three friends were able to answer Job, adequately.  He had restrained from speaking, because he was a youth; and in deference to the aged, he had held his peace.  But he came to the conclusion that “Great men are not always wise: nor do the aged always understand justice.  But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding” (9, 8).  His first conclusion is quite correct; it is the Spirit of God; not age; that gives understanding!  He sets Job at ease by saying, I am also clay, and I cannot punish you, so relax.  You need not fear me (33: 6, 7).  You have accused God of not answering you, but God does answer human beings.  He sends them dreams, and visions.  Sometimes he speaks through sickness, and suffering, and fear; in order to keep them from dying (16-22)!  What would help you Job, is to have someone intercede for you; that God might deliver you (23-26; James 5: 16); then you could testify to the fact, that God redeems (27-30)!

You have multiplied words against God (34: 37).  You accuse Him of not being fair, by punishing you without a cause (5); that it makes no sense to live godly (9).  Have you ever thought of what would happen, “…if God should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath [?]  [A]ll flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust” (14, 15).  God is no respecter of persons (16-19).  There may be times that God will purposely not answer the cry of human beings.  Many only cry to Him at their convenience; when they need His help; not to learn His ways and follow Him.  For others, pride has kept their prayers from being answered (35: 9-13)!

Elihu officially declares that he is speaking on God’s behalf (36: 2)!  He will “ascribe righteousness to God” (3).  God sets up monarchs and He corrects them when necessary (5-12).  There are times when His lessons may be painful (13-15)!  Job, caveat, lest your suffering cause you to sin against the Almighty (18-21)!  But really, who can know Him, He is infinite (26)!  There are times when He will thunder with His voice!  I must admit, that even I, become fearful at His thundering (37: 1, 2)!  But He is faithful.  He takes care of His creatures in their seasons.  He sends the rain and the clouds (36: 27-33) [autumn].  He sends the snow and the cold  [winter] (6-12).  At times even this can be used as a means of correction (13)!  Then He sends the heat (37: 14-22) [summer] (NRSV, footnotes, 766 HB).  Yes, God is faithful!

God Is Just! – Part 14

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