Stand Still And Listen…

For who has stood in the counsel of the LORD and has perceived and heard His word?  Who has marked His word and heard it? …I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.  I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied.  But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings…” Jeremiah 23: 18, 21, 22, NKJV.

Merciful Father, please help us to “stand still, and know that [You are] God”, and that only You, have Words of eternal life!  Please speak these Words to our heart today.  This is our prayer, in the blessed name of Jesus!  Amen.

Today we continue with the topic of, speaking in the name of the LORD.  Indeed, it is a fearful thing!  There is always the temptation to tell His sheep, and His lambs, what we want to tell them; in His name!  May God help us not to yield to the temptation!

There is sound advice in the Word of God to keep us from speaking our own words as we share His Word with others.  This is what we want to look at today.  There are many who believe that much of what the apostle Paul had to say to the believers of his day, were “his own” words.  Be that as it is, what I would like to say in his favor, is the following, I believe he started on the right path, by asking first of all, “Who are You, Lord” (Acts 9: 5)?  And as soon as he was sure that it was indeed The Lord who had spoken, He asks the next most vital question every minister of the gospel should ask, “Lord, what do You want me to do” (6)?

We must not enter God’s pulpit without being absolutely sure, that it is He who is going to speak to His people.  We also need to know what He would like us to say, in His name!  In fact, even before occupying a pulpit, these questions should be answered.  They should be answered at the time of receiving His call!  The truth being spoken, what do we, as mortals, have to say to the people of God, without His input, that can save, or comfort, or help people, in their day to day fight against the adversary of souls?  If we are completely honest, we know that, without God, we have nothing of value to offer.  Therefore, may God help us to surrender our minds, our lips, our agendas, our ambitions, our all, to Him; that He may change what needs to be changed, and cleanse what needs cleansing; and use us, in our entirety, for His honor and glory!

There are two things that God suggests, that would have helped His prophets to deliver a faithful message.  The first is “[standing] in His counsel.”  We need to meet with God daily, to get our marching orders from Him.  Notice the question He asks, “who has stood in the counsel of the LORD and has perceived and heard His word?”  Are we taking time every day to stand in His counsel?  Notice that it is His counsel, and His Word.  If there is anything that will help us to give up our agendas, and accept the will of the LORD, it is our daily counseling session with the Him!  He does the counseling; we remain still in His presence, while He speaks His Word to us!  This brings us to our second point:

“I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.  I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied.”  We need to slow down a bit!  We are anxious for the power, but are not willing to do “the tarrying.”  Before the Word of the LORD can do its work in lives, it must be seasoned with the power that comes from standing still in His counsel; hearing His Word and marking it!  We are so busy!  We have so many programs!  We are running so hard!  Tomorrow we will look at the last part of our text.

For today, may we stand still; and enjoy His holy rest!

Stand Still And Listen…

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