Guard Well The Entrance To Your Mind!- Part 10

As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who was demon possessed begged to go with [H]im.  But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful [H]e has been.”  So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns [Decapolis] of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what He told them. Mark 5: 18-20, NLT

Father in heaven, we wait on You today, to hear You speak Words of wisdom in the deep places of our hearts.  May we be purged of evil, and filled with Your goodness!  This is our prayer; this is our desire; this is our goal; from now until we see You face to face!  In the blessed name of Jesus we humbly pray.  Amen.

Today, let us try to pull together the remainder of lessons from the parable found in Luke, chapter 11, as we conclude our series.  We read in the Bible, “When it [the demon] comes, it finds it [the person’s life] swept and put in order” (Luke 11: 25), period!  It does not sound as if anything is going on in the life of this person!  That is very dangerous!  Rule of thumb:  Whenever we take out, evil, we must be sure to, take in, good!  If you take away worldly music, replace it with beautiful hymns!  If you eliminate dubious magazines, then provide interesting, uplifting, literature!  If you eliminate harmful recreation, then occupy the time with useful, healthy, activity.  Put at the fingertips of new Christians spiritual goodies for them to munch on!  Strengthen them in spiritual things!  Do not leave the space that was once occupied with worldly, or, unhealthy, things, vacant.  Fill it with the things of the Lord! 

When we come to Jesus, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we have turned our backs on the prince of this world, and he will do everything in his power to get us back; or destroy us!  Do not forget, it is all about worship!  One more worshiper in the kingdom of God, is one less worshiper in the kingdom of the Adversary, and vice versa!  God will respect our decision, even though it breaks His heart; but the Adversary will not!  This is what the Bible says about the man in the synagogue who was possessed by a demon, when Jesus was about to set him free, “At that, the devil screamed, and threw the man into a convulsion, and then came out of him” (Mark 1: 26, NLT, Emphasis provided). 

One of the best methods for “growing up in Jesus,” is to testify!  Remember that, “they overcame him [the Adversary] with … the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12: 11)!  Notice what Jesus said to the demoniac of Gadara, “Go and share the Good News!  Tell everyone you meet, that Jesus saves!  Show them the scars that My blood have healed!” 

Besides filling the vacancy in the life of the demoniac, that was left by Legion, the work of testifying was one of the best ways of enlarging the kingdom of God!  “It was Satan’s purpose to turn the people away from the Savior, and prevent the preaching of the gospel in that region.  But this very occurrence roused the whole country as nothing else could have done, and directed attention to Christ.  Though the Savior Himself departed, the men whom He had healed remained as witnesses to His power.  Those who had been mediums of the prince of darkness became channels of light, messengers of the Son of God.  Men marveled as they listened to the wondrous news.  A door was opened to the gospel throughout that region.  When Jesus returned to Decapolis, the people flocked about Him, and for three days, not merely the inhabitants of one town, but thousands from all the surrounding region, heard the message of salvation.  Even the power of demons is under the control of our Savior, and the working of evil is overruled for good” (The Desire of Ages, p. 297, Emphasis provided). 

If you feel that you are losing your mind, surrender it to Jesus.  “A mind is a terrible thing to [lose]!”

Guard Well The Entrance To Your Mind!- Part 10

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