“Revive Us, O Lord!”

For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:  “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones…” Isaiah 57: 15, NKJV

Father, here we are again; waiting to hear a Word of hope from You.  Please speak to our hearts we pray, in the holy name of Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

Have you ever stopped and thought about the greatness of God?  Not that our minds can comprehend it, anyway; but as we look at the heavens, the vastness of the skies, the limitless horizon that stretches out before our eyes, and encicles the globe, as far as we can see; does the immensity of it all ever cause you to stop and reflect on the One who is responsible for its existence?  I do; and it never fails to leave me teary-eyed and awestruck.  “O, the wonder of it all!”  This moment of reverence is usually followed by the question, “Why do You love me so?”  The only answer that comes to my mind is, because He is God!

Our Scripture for today creates that scenario:  God who is high and lifted up, and holy, seeks to dwell with the contrite, and humble soul.  That became very evident in the Incarnation.  God did the ultimate descending; He not only came down to earth – He entered our sphere of existence, in every sense of the word, in order to save us!  Perhaps this may not, at first glance, make a great impression on our minds, until we stop to think that, He did not have to do it!  It was all because of love!  He came to where we were, because it was impossible for us to go to where He was.

When Solomon was about to start building the temple, he sent to king Huram telling him of his plans to build, and requested materials, and a specialized worker.  His comments to the king are noteworthy, “The house that I am about to build will be great, for our God is greater than other gods.  But who is able to build [H]im a house, since heaven, even highest heaven, cannot contain [H]im?  Who am I to build a house for [H]im except as a place to make offerings before [H]im” (2 Chronicles 2: 5, 6)?  This God desires to dwell with us!  The God who cannot be contained within His dwelling place; He who knows no limitations, seeks to abide with us!

What we do not want to lose sight of, is that, when He comes down to where we are, it is with the purpose of lifting us up to where He is!  That is what our text is saying, “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit[.]”  He seeks the humblest of His creatures to identify with.  He was born in a manger, among the animals, and the angels announced His birth to shepherds “keeping watch over their flock by night” (Luke 2: 7-14)!  But even though He descends to the lowest, in the eyes of human beings, He lifts us up to dwell “with Him in heavenly places” (Ephesians 2: 6).  Hallelujah!  No one needs to feel left out.  At His birth He was identified with the lowly; in His death He was buried among the rich (Isaiah 53: 9: Luke 23: 50-53).

Now note why He desires to dwell with us:  His purpose is “to revive us.”  As I was searching for a definition of revive, I found some rather interesting, and relevant, definitions:  “To recover consciousness;” “to flourish again;” “to cause experience to return.”  When I saw these definitions, I immediately thought of so many Bible characters who were revived by Jesus:  Zacchaeus recovered consciousness, and returned four times the amount, to those from whom he had stolen.  The woman at the well could flourish again, after receiving the rivers of living water “swelling up within” her.  The woman with the issue of blood had the experience of being “somebody” returned to her. 

Yes my friends, the High and Holy One, who inhabits eternity, is waiting to revive us!  All you and I have to do, is say “yes” to Him.

“Revive Us, O Lord!”

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