Forgiving Without Keeping Records – Part 2

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18: 21, 22, NIV.

Dear Creator, how very grateful we are to You for showing us the kind of character the citizens of heaven will possess. May we seek to be among those who will inherit the kingdom of heaven; by learning how, while we are here on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Today we will continue our conversation on forgiveness. Yesterday, Jesus used a child to teach His disciples the kind of people that will make up the kingdom of heaven; people with child-like characters. We mentioned how natural it is for children to forgive, and forget. Today let us look at another aspect of this child-like character. Verse 10 of Matthew 18, is very significant. It was the belief that a person’s guardian angel represented that person in heaven. According to the verse, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven” (emphasis provided). Do you know what that means? These child-like people do not act in their own defense; they leave the injustices done to them, in the hands of God! There is no desire for revenge on their part. According to the text, their angel, is the one who takes their case to the Father!

Have you ever met someone like that? I have; and what a peaceful sight to see! These people seem eager to forgive even before the person who has wronged them asks for forgiveness! They hold no grudges. Can you imagine the kind of churches we would have, if people left everything in the hands of God? Soon the bickering would end. Many of the illnesses that are emotionally triggered would vanish! “Peace like a river” would flow through the church of the living God! If we would only let go of our grudges! But let us face reality – this is easier said than done! I ought to know.

Many years ago, I had to decide to give God my grudges. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It was so excruciating to be dealt with unjustly, without a cause, and to sit back and do nothing about it. There is that overpowering desire to let people know the truth! But what wonderful lessons I have learned by leaving things in the hands of God! I have seen God defend me better than I would ever have been able to defend myself! And the best part is that when God deals with the problem for you, you are left without the scars of battle! He fights the fight, receives the wounds on our behalf, and with His stripes we are healed! Hallelujah! When the battle is fought at a distance, it is easier to forgive

I still struggle from time to time, when new situations arise. But when you and I become as little children, we will experience this peace! Let us continue this conversation tomorrow. Have a very Blessed Sabbath!

Forgiving Without Keeping Records – Part 2

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