His Banner Of Love!

He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. Song of Solomon 2: 4, NIV.

Dear God, we have come together to sit at Your feet and study Your Word. Please come close to us and cover us with Your “banner of love.” In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Our text for today is taken from a most beautiful passage of  the Song of Solomon, which is “also known as ‘Song of Songs,’ and ‘Canticles,’ [which] is a sequence of lyric poems celebrating human love’ ” (The New Oxford Annotated Bible, NRSV, with the Apocrypha, p. 959, HB). The expressions of love are profound, and oh, so endearing! The love between “Lover” and the “Beloved,” is very touching. Some religious writers have concluded that this unique book of the Bible is the story of the love of God for His church. It was also “interpreted symbolically as the love of God for Israel” (Ibid). For a few thoughtful moments, let us see what lessons we can glean from our text for today.

1.) Celebrating human love. How beautiful it is to observe the birth, and development, of love, between two people. Throughout the entire book of Song of Solomon, “Lover” and “Beloved” express their love for each other, with no reserve. The fact that they are each other’s most ardent admirers, jumps out at the reader, at first glance. It is obvious that they have eyes for no one else! In Genesis 2: 25, we read, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” Before the entrance of sin, there was nothing to be “ashamed” of, between spouses. There was no need for “aprons,” “coverings” (3: 7, KJV, NIV); or “coats,” “garments” (12), which became the first barrier between the man and his wife. Love, spoken, or expressed, was spontaneous, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…” (2: 23, NRSV)! “I will call her Woman because she is a part of me.” One of my favorite sayings (author unknown) is, “Celebrate more of what you want to see. I pray that we will seethe banner of love” hanging over homes all around the United States of America, and the world; in celebration of the renewal of love between spouses! The banquet hall was a place of intimacy between lovers. Husbands and wives need to re-visit the banquet hall.

2.) The love of God for His people (Israel, the Church). It is, and has always been, quite evident, just how much Christ loves His people! Without reserve, He gave Himself as a ransom for them. He died the second death, that both physical and spiritual Israel, might live forevermore! Just before He died, He left a mandate to be carried out by the members of His church, “I give you a new commandment that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13: 34, NRSV, emphasis provided). He had celebrated an unconditional love in the presence of His disciples, so that they would emulate His example while He was with them. And before He departed, He unfolded His banner of love above His church. God is calling His church to a more intimate relationship with Him. He has left the example. “If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them” (John 13: 17, NRSV).

 Have a very Blessed, and Happy, Sabbath!

His Banner Of Love!

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