Be Careful What You Say!

For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10: 10, NIV. (Emphasis provided).

Dear God, please speak to our hearts today. Teach us how to speak hope to others ,as well as to ourselves. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Whenever we think about the importance of the things we say, our first concern is to be careful not to offend. So we remain silent. I believe that we do not give sufficient thought to the benefits to be reaped by the positive things that we say. Another thought that came to me as I pondered these things was the power that words have on the person who speak them. The Message’s version of our text is very interesting, “That’s salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud:  “God has set everything right between [H]im and me” (Emphasis provided)!

In other words, I speak my reality, “out loud.” I am a believer in the power of our words. I have seen people, both children and adults, undergo some outstanding transformations, just because someone spoke a word of hope to them. I have also seen people speak hope and health to themselves. God created us with tremendous inner-power. When we take hold, by faith, to words of hope, and encouragement, there are no limits to what they can do for us! Have you ever asked someone how they were doing  and they replied, “I am blessed?” I believe these people are putting this concept into practice. They are speaking what they want to see ,into effect.

This concept does not consist of only words. It has a follow-up component. I speak; then my words inspire me to action, and helps to materialize my declaration! It is 1) I speak. 2) I act. 3) I experience! It is not magic. It is faith in action! Our words have the power to inspire action that becomes a reality! When a person declares, “I have decided to follow Jesus – this declaration is usually followed by baptism, or some form of profession of faith – which is manifested in newness of life!

When we begin to believe, the positive things that we say, I honestly think that our lives will begin to change. The key word to success here is positive. Speak the good, and you will begin to think on the good, the beautiful! Philippians 4: 8 gives us a list of some wonderful trends of thought that we can speak, and then act upon. Think on these things! Whenever things are not going too well for me, the Holy Spirit guides my mind toward this text. When I let go of whatever is disturbing my peace, and allow my mind to dwell on the good and the positive; immediately my conversation becomes uplifting, and my actions produce the desired results. “What a difference a word makes” – so be very careful what you say!

Be Careful What You Say!

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