Heaven’s Bank

“Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or – worst – stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will more want to be, and end up being. . .” Matthew 6: 19-21, MSG.

Heavenly Father, today as we come into Your presence, we ask that You will make Your Word plain to us. This we ask in the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.

For the past few days we have been conversing about keeping our thoughts on “things above.” The reason for this is because we are citizens of heaven. Today we will join another thought to that reality – that of banking. It is common practice, for people to do their banking in the country, or city, or town, where they live; providing they find a banking institution that they consider trustworthy. Our Scripture for today encourages us to use Heaven’s Bank to do our “heavenly” business transactions. I am sure that You will agree with me, that there could be no bank that is more trustworthy. Let me tell you some things about this bank.

The Board of Directors are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The Clerks and Attendants are The Holy Angels. They offer grace, love, and fellowship, to all their clients. It does not depend on how much you can save, but why you are saving (2 Corinthians 13: 14; Hebrews 1: 14; Mark 12: 42, 43; 1 Corinthians 13: 3).

This Bank will never have to merge, or claim bankruptcy, or ask for a bail-out. Everything in the world belongs to them! Yes, you read me right, “everything” (Haggai 2: 8; Psalm 24: 1; Psalm 50: 10-12, Philippians 4: 19).

You will never be denied a loan based on your capacity to pay. The truth is you cannot repay this debt. But they are not expecting you to repay it, anyway (1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19).

Your complete debt has been paid, in full, and in advance! There was a lot of interest accrued. But The Son literally, absorbed the entire debt! And at what a cost to Him (Isaiah 53: 3-10)!

These are the requirements to join Heaven’s Bank. I am sure that you will be very surprised, and very pleased, to discover what they are (Proverbs 23: 26; John 1: 12, 13; John 14: 15).

This requirement is different from the others, so it is spelled out in the clause. It is really for the good of the client, as are all the other requirements:YOU CAN’T WORSHIP GOD AND MONEY BOTH” (Matthew 6: 24, MSG). Translated this means:  You are expected to do all your banking heaven’s way:  wisely, willingly, and unselfishly. The almighty dollar will not take the place of the Almighty God.

The dividends? An eternal vacation from the cares of life – completely paid for by the Bank. This is not a hoax! Today is the best time to accept the invitation. We are not sure of tomorrow! (John 14: 1-3; Revelation 21: 1-5; 22: 17).

If you are willing to be a member of Heaven’s Bank just sign here, date it, print it, and keep it with you as a reminder of where your treasure, and your heart, is.  Name:_____________________________________Date:____________.

The Son wanted you to know that “When [H]e sees all that is accomplished by [H]is anguish, [H]e will be satisfied” (Isaiah 53: 11a, NIV).

I invite you to join Heaven’s Bank, today.

Heaven’s Bank

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