“On The Mountain Of The LORD It Will Be Provided” – Part 5

And the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD, to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, all who keep the sabbath, and do not profane it, and hold fast my covenant- these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. Isaiah 56: 6, 7, NRSV.

Holy Father, as we come into Your presence, we ask that our hearts be made willing to accept the things that we shall learn, while sitting at Your feet. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Today we will continue to look at the reason God chose to set His church on a mountaintop. We will look at it in conjunction with the question:  Why not place His church in the valley? Let me just remind you of a couple of things before we continue our study:  1) I am sharing with you the thoughts I receive while studying the Word of God, in my private devotions, which I pray, have been blessed by the Holy Spirit. 2) These thoughts have enriched my own life, and I pray, they will bless yours, as well. With these clarifications, let us continue to enjoy the study of God’s Word! 

As far as location is concerned, God’s church can be found wherever people meet to worship Him in spirit and in truth. His sanctuary was carried from place to place in the wilderness, during the days of Israel’s wanderings. His church was kept in the catacombs during the Dark Ages. It was held in the homes of the believers during its early formation, in New Testament times. God does not have a problem having church, wherever there is a need.

Our study is based, primarily, on the location, of the Temple at Jerusalem, with some reflections on what the location could possibly be saying to us, in regards to the mission of the church. Why not build it in the valley? In explaining why it was set on the top of a mountain, I believe we answered that question. I believe that God wanted it to be visible to all. I used the phrase, he wanted to “advertise it to all people.”

We, His creatures, have erected the barriers. We have been the authors of segregation. We have closed the doors of His church in the face of those who were not “our kind.” We have done this in defiance of the Master. When God opens doors, it is not in our place to close them. He has declared His house, a house of prayer, “for all people.” I believe that means that we can expect all kinds of people to come into His courts. They may not always look, and sound, and act, the way we do. But if our worship is conducted decently, and in order, in spirit, and in truth; I believe that it will be, “acceptable in [His] sight.”

God is constantly seeking to help us to catch a vision of His glory. I can think of no better place for this to happen than in His temple. It was there, that Isaiah “saw the LORD high and lofty” (Isaiah 6: 1, NRSV). He is calling us to come up higher, ever higher. When we enter His temple, no matter where it is located; in the valley, or, on the mountaintop, our experience should be such, that we will be lifted “high,” above earthly things. May God help us to have a “mountaintop” experience with Him.

We will continue tomorrow.

“On The Mountain Of The LORD It Will Be Provided” – Part 5

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