One Day The King Wore A Crown Of Thorns

So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and they put on Him a purple robe. Then they said, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they struck Him with their hands. John 19: 1-3, NKJV.

Gracious God, today we bow humbly in Your presence. As we study Your Word, we say, Thank You for wearing the crown of thorns on our behalf. Our prayer is that one day, we might be considered worthy, of wearing the crown of life that You have provided for us. In the name of Jesus we humbly pray. Amen.

This is the first day, of what is known in the Christian world, as “Holy Week.” During these days, many Christians dedicate more time than they usually would, remembering Christ’s sacrifice, on behalf of humanity. That is a very rewarding experience not only during this week, but throughout the year. Last year, we spent the time reflecting on the incidents that took place in the last week of Christ’s life here on earth. This year, with the help of God, and guided by His Holy Spirit, we will dedicate time to, prayerfully, study the seven last words of Jesus, on His way to Golgotha, and while He hung upon the cross. Running a race and receiving a crown was the topic for yesterday. Today, we will think about the crown that Christ wore on our behalf. This will serve as a springboard into the study of the week.

The scene we are observing is taking place in Pilate’s judgment hall. The chief priests of the Jewish nation, accompanied by a mob, have arrested Jesus and brought Him before Pilate for him to pronounce the death sentence upon the Savior. They have already prejudged Jesus, and declared Him guilty of death. But they do not have the legal power, under Roman law, to pass the death sentence on anyone. So they bring the Savior to Pilate. Pilate is not in a good mood, because he has been awakened from sleep to perform this duty. “Who is this man, and what is the urgency of the Jews in having Him judged so expeditiously? Why could this business not wait until the break of day? Why was I awakened from sleep?” These may have been some of the thoughts that were going through Pilate’s mind during the wee hours of that fatal Friday morning.

Those thoughts would soon disappear when Pilate saw the prisoner. Before him stood One that was different from any human being he had ever come in contact with. “Before this he had signed the death warrant hastily, condemning to death men they knew were not worthy of death. In his estimation the life of a prisoner was of little account;  whether he were innocent or guilty was of no special consequence. The priests hoped that Pilate would now inflict the death penalty on Jesus without giving Him a hearing. This they besought as a favor on the occasion of their great national festival . . . .  but never before had a man bearing marks of such goodness and nobility been brought before him. On his face he saw no sign of guilt, no expression of fear, no boldness or defiance. He saw a man of calm and dignified bearing, whose countenance bore not the marks of a criminal, but the signature of heaven” (The Desire of Ages, pp. 637, 636-637).

You see my friends, our clothing does not affect our character! Even though Jesus was clothed with a “mock” king’s attire:  an old purple robe and a crown of thorns, that did not alter the fact, that indeed, He was, and is, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. That was evident, despite His circumstances, or, His clothing. A king is a king, whether he is dressed like a prince or a pauper. “When Christ shall come to the earth again, not as a prisoner surrounded by a rabble will men see Him. They will see Him then as heaven’s King. Christ will come in His own glory, in the glory of His Father, and the glory of the holy angels . . . In the place of a crown of thorns, He will wear a crown of glory, -a crown within a crown. In place of an old purple kingly robe, He will be clothed in raiment of whitest white, ‘so as no fuller on earth can white them.’ Mark 9: 3” (Ibid, 652).

When Christ returns as the King of glory, will you be ready to meet Him?

One Day The King Wore A Crown Of Thorns

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