Womanhood “In The Beginning”

Then God said, “let us make humankind in our image, according to [O]ur likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth” So God created humankind in [H]is image, in the image of God [H]e created them; male and female [H]e created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” Genesis 1: 26-28, NRSV.

Merciful God, please meet with us as we study; and help us to understand the lessons that are to be found in Your Word. This we ask, in the holy name of Jesus. Amen.

On Sunday, May 9, many countries in the world will be celebrating “Mother’s Day;” among them, the United States of North America. What is rather unfortunate, is how the celebration of this day, has become almost completely, comercialized. I remember, as a child, growing up in my native Republic of Panama, how our teachers at school, would help us to create lovely, customized, post cards, for our mothers. They would help us to cut them out of constuction paper, draw our favorite design, and encourage us to put our own childish “love thoughts,” in them. In today’s society, all we seem to hear is, buy, buy buy. Make mom happy by buying her this, or, buying her that. I pray that mothers will free their little ones, and bigger ones, from the burden, of having to buy them something. This practice could lead to great discouragement, and even a sense of unworthiness, or, inferiority, for the child who does not have the money to buy something for his or her mother. Or, something as good as that purchased by another child. This can also give the false idea that the only way we show love is by giving somebody some-thing. May God help us to encourage our children to be as loving, and kind, and obedient, as they can be; and to let them know that that is the best gift they can give mom; not just on Mother’s Day, but every day.

During this week, we will be dedicating time to look at women, in the light of God’s original plan, “in the beginning.” A rule of thumb that I have adopted whenever I want to to be sure about what stand I should take on a current issue, on which there seems to be no clear statement regarding what is right or wrong, I search for biblical principles on the subject, “in the beginning.” This is a good way of returning to God’s original plan. Today we will take a look at the principle of equality. “In the beginning” men and women were created equal, and given equal responsibilities, and rights. Each set of attributes, male, and female, were reflective of God’s character, and therefore, worthy of respect and consideration. None of these attributes were to be considered a sign of weakeness. Very often we confuse the need to show deference, with the need to condescend. This leads us to think of our spouses, and treat them, with less respect than they deserve. Based on our Scripture, that is not the way it was, “in the beginning.”

Our verse for today informs us that, both “male and female,” were created in “the image and likeness” of God.

They were both to have dominion over every living thing.

Together, they were to be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth.

According to God’s perfect plan, the two were to “become one flesh” (2: 24). It was to be a progressive action. In the measure that the two were getting to know each other better, they would become more united; and together, they would reflect the “whole” of God. We could conclude then, that man and woman, living together in harmony, in holy matrimony, give us a complete picture of God. Of course, that is, within human limitations.  That is how it was, “in the beginning.”

Womanhood “In The Beginning”

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