Bringing Our Children To Jesus

Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it,” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. Mark 10: 13-16, NKJV.

Dear God, as we enter the study of Your Word, we invite Your Holy Spirit to be at our side to teach us. In the name of Jesus we humbly pray. Amen.

It is amazing how some mothers are always seeking ways to connect our children with people we believe, can be a blessing to them. It is not a material blessing we seek, as much as a spiritual blessing. When Jesus was here on earth, mothers wanted their children to receive a blessing from Him. They brought their children to the Master for Him to “touch them,” to lay His hands on them. Mothers know the value of a kind, loving, tender, touch.

The Bible does not offer much detail about this encounter with Jesus and the children, except to mention that the disciples were ready to send these mothers and their children away, but Jesus would not allow it! The Bible informs us that Jesus “was greatly displeased.” He said, “Let them come to Me. Do not stop them from coming. The truth is, that unless you become like one of these children, you will not be allowed entrance into My kingdom!” Can you imagine the joy such a statement must have brought to the heart of these mothers? In a society where they and their children, were at the very bottom of the social pole, Jesus was welcoming them! No one had ever considered their little ones enough to pronounce a blessing upon them. And certainly no one had thought of using one of these little ones as a poster child for God’s kingdom! What a honor! What a privilege! This is what mothers seek for their children, the best that heaven has to offer!

These mothers were willing to risk being rejected by the disciples in order to get as close to the Savior, as was possible. Somehow, I believe that they knew if they could only get close enough to the Savior, He would not overlook them. He would not ignore them. He would not allow their precious little ones to leave His presence without a blessing. I wish I had heard the blessing Jesus pronounced upon the little ones that day. Of one thing I am sure, whatever He said to them, was most likely never forgotten, and hopefully, made a positive difference in the lives, not only of the children, but of the mothers, as well. That is because when our children are blessed, we are also blessed!

Mothers, Jesus is still blessing children today. We need to take our children in prayer, daily, to the Savior. He loves the children, and wants to bless them, that they may grow up to be men and women, made in His likeness. God wants nothing less than the best for our children. Society may erect barriers against them. And as sad as it is to say, perhaps even at church, they may feel that they are not quite accepted. But like those mothers in the time of Jesus, who, against all odds, took their children to Jesus, anyway, take your children to Jesus! And when they are big enough, to go on their own, do not cease to encourage them to go to the Savior.

One of the best ways that I know how to encourage our children to continue to go to the Savior, even after they are big enough to go on their own, is by going ourselves. It is much more effective to invite someone to go somewhere, than to send them somewhere. But also remind them of when they were dedicated to the Savior as little children. Keep before them the love God has for them, wherever they are in their journey. Whatever else You fail to tell them, do not forget to remind them of how much the Savior loves them! Remind them that they were once a “poster child” for the kingdom of God, and can still be. My sister, God knows that we have the ability to love our children into the kingdom of God! Let us prove Him right!

Bringing Our Children To Jesus

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