Beware Of Praise! – Part 2

Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.” But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead. but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god. Acts 28: 1- 6, NIV, emphasis provided.  

We thank You dear God for another day of life. Please make Your Word plain to us as we study it today. This is our prayer in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

Yesterday, we began our study on the futility of the praise of human beings. We considered the disadvantages of allowing praise to influence us. We also learned that praise can be fickle. It is often inspired by the sensational. In the case we looked at yesterday, the man lame from his mother’s womb, was healed by Paul and Barnabas. Because of this, the people of that city thought that they were gods who had come down “in human form” and were getting ready to worship them, when Paul interrupted their plans, and announced that they were not gods, but human beings. Not long after, they stoned him and left him for dead!

Today, the scenario is different. Paul had appealed to Caesar.  Along with more than two hundred other prisoners, a centurion, and some soldiers, they were on their way to Rome. They had been on the sea for approximately two weeks due to a storm, because they had ignored Paul’s warnings. They were now very fearful for their lives. The Lord appeared to Paul in a dream and assured him that the lives of all of the passengers aboard the ship would be spared, if they remained in the ship. After relating his dream to them, Paul encouraged them to eat, in order to regain their strength. As they neared the shore, the front of the ship got stuck in a sand bar and was pushed ashore. Because of the harsh waves beating against it, the back of the ship was broken in pieces. Fearing that the prisoners would escape, the soldiers were about to kill them. The centurion, in an attempt to save Paul’s life, kept them from carrying out their plans.

Finally, they arrived on the island of Malta. They were well received by the islanders. And this is where our story begins. As Paul was gathering wood to feed a fire that they had kindled to protect themselves from the rain and the cold, a poisonous serpent took hold of his hand. Everyone was sure that the inevitable would happen – Paul would soon drop dead! Instead, Paul simply shook the serpent free. Then they sat back and waited to see the end of Paul. And as they waited, they judged! “No doubt, this man is some terrible person! Most likely he killed someone! He escaped the fury of the sea, but retribution has caught up with him!” So they waited, and waited, and waited. The hours went by, and nothing happened. Soon it became clear, that no evil was going to befall Paul. The serpent’s attack had done him no harm. So they changed their minds. What was their new verdict? “This man is a god!” From a murderer to a god! Just the opposite of yesterday!

My friends, the opinions of other human beings have their importance, and their place. But a good rule of thumb for everyone, but, especially for Christians, and ministers of the gospel, is: Live to please God! When you do, your life will be pleasing to those people who really matter. Have you ever stopped and thought about the fact that only God can save you? Do You realize that only His opinion is life-deciding? People, without the wisdom of God, are not the best judges of character. So, do not depend on the praise of others.  The tongue that praise you in the morning will just as easily curse you in the evening; and vice-versa. So do not let the praise of others affect you. Sooner or later you will find that it is not worth it.

Beware Of Praise! – Part 2

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