Law – Good Or Bad? – Part 2

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving  joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is sweet reward. Psalm 119: 7-11, NIV.

Holy God, as we continue today, in the study of Your Word, we ask that Your blessed Holy Spirit will be our guide as we seek to learn more about You, from Your Word. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Yesterday, we began a new study on the law of God. This study will include, not only the Ten Commandments, but God’s commands in general, to us, His people. One of the reasons we believe God gave us His laws, was for us to grow in grace, and in a knowledge of Jesus Christ. We were made in God’s image and likeness. Sin marred that similitude in us, so now, all “who receive Him,” by His grace, start the process of becoming like Him once more; “those who are called by His name.” We recognize that for this to happen, there must be  a surrendering, on our part; and an indwelling on the part of the Son of God. For our mental health, our minds can only be submitted to one Master, at a time. Therefore, we need to “die,” by surrendering our will, so that Christ can come in and live out His will in us. This act of surrender on our part facilitates our growth into His image.

Today, let us look at another reason why God gave us laws to live by. The other reason we mentioned yesterday was, Because there is a place for law in our personal lives, and in society. Let us look at some of the laws that govern our personal lives. Health laws, for instance. Scripture informs us that, “[We] are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14a). In order for us to continue in a state of wellness, there are certain laws that God has built into nature, to assist us. There are eight essential practices that will help us in remaining wholesome, healthy, creatures (body, mind, and spirit). These are: 

A balanced diet. God has placed in nature everything that we need to eat and drink in order to remain healthy. He never asks us to do anything for which He has not made provision. Even though much of the land has been depleted of many of its basic, natural nutrients, with the proper help it can still yield a healthy harvest, which, when adequately complemented by supplements, as necessary, can provide all that the body needs to function optimally! 

Pure air (adequate ventilation). Learning how to breathe properly, and having homes that are properly ventilated, is good hygiene for the lungs. I believe we ought to give more study to the role that our lungs play in keeping us healthy. Its proper function provides not only quality of life, but its malfunction can represent a matter of life and death. Imagine how delicate our lungs are, that second-hand-tobacco-smoke can result in cancer, and death, for the person who inhales it!

Sunshine. Many and varied are the health roles that sunshine plays in our lives. It is known for destroying germs. It is also helpful in transforming the cholesterol in our bodies into vitamin D.  Adequate sunshine is very helpful for patients at home, or in hospitals. Growing children should have their daily dose of sunshine. People of all ages can benefit from a healthy exposure to sunlight, unless otherwise advised by their physicians for various reasons. Add to all of this, the fact that it helps our gardens to produce a lovely harvest.

These recommendations are not those of a medical professional. We will continue tomorrow with the Laws of Health.

Law – Good Or Bad? – Part 2

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