A Good Name

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22: 1, NIV.

Blessed LORD, as we study Your Word, please teach us how to wear Your good name, for Your honor and glory. This we ask in the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.

Some proverbs are relevant for a certain situation, and a certain period of time. I believe this proverb transcends all eras and situations. In some cultures, a name is extremely important, because it serves as a character description. In many instances, among the Israelites, one’s name actually framed one’s destiny, as in the case of poor Jacob, meaning “heel-catcher,” someone who is a supplanter, or, one who takes the place of another, through deception! That was, until he received a new name, from the only One who can really name us – our Savior, Jesus Christ! Jacob became Israel, or, “he who strives with God.” Praise God! No one can strive with God in prayer, and not be changed! Hallelujah! Daniel’s Hebrew name, which meant, “God is Judge,” when he was taken captive to Babylon, was changed to Belteshazzar, meaning, “Bel will protect.” The good news is, that the change in Daniel’s name did not change his character. He knew that his help came “from the LORD which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121: 2). 

Unfortunately, in many cultures, people feel as if they have a right to name others. Now, if we gave people uplifting names, that would not be a bad practice, but sad to say, the majority of names we tend to apply to others are usually, quite negative. Some are called “Worthless.” Others are given the name of “No Good.” And still others are called “”Abnormal.” And guess what, many are doing justice to their names! They are living accordingly. When I read this text, this morning, I saw a dimension to it that I had never seen before. Prior to today, I saw it in the context of, a person protecting  his or her own good name, by the life he or she lived. I still see it this way. But now, I also see it as our duty to give a good name to others, and help them to preserve it! Many in our society, and in our world at large, are hurting, and longing, for someone to call them by a new name, a good name! May God open our eyes to see these people, and then may He open our lips to bless them. Many give others gifts of great monetary value, while all some of them are waiting to receive from us, is the gift of a good name. There are many gifts that money can purchase – a good name is not one of them. A good name is priceless! May God help us to give someone such a gift today! 

The second half of our text talk about being “esteemed.” I believe that esteeming someone, and giving them a good name go hand in hand. We call those we love names like “Sunshine,” and “Precious,” “Estrellita” (“Little Star”), and “My Love.” You cannot put a price on the effect those names have on others – it is incalculable! Perhaps only eternity will produce complete evidence of the saving power of feeling esteemed, valued, loved! I will not be surprised, if in heaven, or perhaps in the earth made new, people come up to us, and say, “You may not remember me, but I never forgot the day you called me _____________” (you fill in the blank with a name you plan to give someone you believe could use a good dose of esteem!). “My life was never the same after that day.” Sometimes it takes so little to do so much good, if we are willing to be used by God!

I believe that a good place to begin giving out “good names” is in our homes. We usually leave our best behavior, and our best treatment for those on the outside. But there is a little adage that says, “Charity begins at home.” I believe that with all my heart! May God help us to love those who are nearest to us with a sincere love at all times, and in all places. Therefore, by God’s grace, let us determine to begin by blessing someone at home, with a “good name” today!

A Good Name

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