Wise Up – And Live!

A prudent [person] sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. Proverbs 22: 3, NIV.

Dear God, please teach us how to live our lives wisely. In so doing may we bring honor to Your name. In the holy name of Jesus we humbly pray. Amen.

Just like we said, we are continuing in Proverbs 22, using these words of wisdom and caution to live our lives productively! I believe that I have used this adage on our website before, but I will use it again because it seems to fit well with this proverb. It is from my native Republic of Panama, and it goes like this:  “Cuando ves la barba de tu vecino arder, ponga el tuyo en remojo.” Translated into English:  “When you see your neighbor’s beard burning, put yours to soak.” That makes sense to me! I have always believed that if you can learn from my suffering, or if I can learn from yours, then our suffering was not in vain! Suffering is no fun! You ought to be able to get something positive out of it. I believe that people should determine, never to suffer in vain! I pray that you will find it possible to believe what I am about to say:  No suffering that has touched our lives, was for the mere purpose of suffering! I honestly believe that they were all designed as learning tools, and intended for our growth! God loves His children and takes no delight in seeing us suffer! We alone, can determine, if we are going to suffer in vain.

Our proverb for today is about a prudent person and a simple person. Two extremes. The first step would be to determine what makes us prudent, or wise; and what makes us simple. My search for meaning took me to some very interesting places! I found out that the original word for prudent could carry a positive or a negative connotation. I also discovered that used positively, one of the meanings was sensible! I immediately thought of common sense. Have you ever met someone who was highly intellectual, but who was lacking greatly in common sense? On the other hand, have you ever met a person who could scarcely read, but who was so wise, that they could teach a class in any university? I have met both sets of people. Another interesting discovery for me was that one of the meanings of the original word for simple was foolish! It was an incredible discovery. I’ll tell you why. My first impression was to simply equate the words myself; use them as I believe they should be used; but I was impressed to do a word search for greater accuracy. I am so glad I did! This gave me an open door to use two verses that automatically came to my mind:  

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9: 10). In a moral sense, the word fear, means reverence. In a broader sense, it carries the original meaning of being fearful. However, unlike the negative, helpless, feeling that the fear of man or beast, or our circumstances produce, this is a fear that motivates because you know that God intends nothing but the best for your life. Therefore, it makes us willing to receive the wisdom and knowledge that can be found in the Word of God! It is this willingness to receive instruction that oftentimes averts impending doom! Perhaps, it is because of this reason, that the prudent person is made aware of the imminent danger in the first place! A wise person is usually asking questions:  Why is the sky so dark? Are we expecting rain? What should I do before the rain begins? Why am I feeling this way? If this is good and right, why am I having second thoughts? Where are these concerns coming from? Asking the right questions, and seeking answers in the right places, have saved many a life! Knowing God, and His will for our lives can make all the difference in the world!

“Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they commit abominable acts; there is no one who does good” (Psalm 53: 1). A God-less life is a tragedy waiting to happen. A God-filled life is a snapshot of hope! I carry a burden upon my heart for people who do not know God! I do not know how anyone can live without God! Now it is one thing to flee from God, like Jonah did. When Jonah found himself in the belly of a fish with sea weeds wrapped around his head, at least he knew where to go! He immediately turned his thoughts and lifted a prayer toward the sanctuary! He knew that God had promised to meet “between the cherubs, above the mercy seat” in the second department of the sanctuary. He knew where to find God! But what about the person who has closed his or her heart to the wooing of the Spirit of God and bluntly decides that, God does not exist! The Bible refers to such a person as a “fool.” What is the result of such a life? Even when they see danger looking them in the face, the Word of God says, “the simple (foolish) keep going and suffer for it.”

My friends, the good thing about the Word of God, is that you need never leave its study feeling hopeless! Listen to the plea of a loving Father as He seeks to save, even those who deny His existence, “Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel’ ” (Ezekiel 33: 11). Please take heed! Wise up – and live!

Wise Up – And Live!

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