What Kind Of Harvest Are You Expecting?

He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will be destroyed. Proverbs 22: 6, NIV.

Gracious God, we thank You that You have not left us unwarned. Today, please help us to begin to plant wisely, that we might receive a good harvest. In the blessed name of Jesus we humbly pray. Amen.

Proverbs comprise an interesting genre. They are usually written in two parts. The first half tells you one half of the story, while the second half sheds more light on what the first half said. Or, it tells you the rest of the story, or, it tells the story using different words. It seems that today’s proverb tells you the whole story in the first half (the wicked will reap what they sow), and then gives us additional information – perhaps on what the wickedness consisted of. Maybe the wicked person consumed others with a rod of fury. This seems to be the case, because the marginal reading in the Key Word Study Bible, renders the following:  “and with the rod of his anger he shall be consumed.” So, if we were to put all the pieces together, we would get the following, “He who consumes (destroys) with a rod of fury, with a rod of fury, he will be consumed (destroyed).”

The same principle is expressed in Galatians 6: 7:  “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” We have used this text several times in the past few days. I believe that is because most of the proverbs have this underlying principle built into them – if you do this, this will be the result. Cause and effect seems to run like a red thread of warning throughout the Proverbs. This tells me that God is just, and that He deals with all of His children fairly! He can be completely fair with us, because He sees and knows things about us that no one else sees and knows; in some cases not even we know certain things about ourselves – until God reveals it to us!

Jesus also alluded to this principle when He told Peter, ” ‘Put your sword back in its place,’ ” . . .  “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. . . ” (Matthew 26: 52). Did Jesus mean that literally in every case? I do not believe He did. I believe, what He was establishing was a principle which is supplementary to what we refer to as, The Golden Rule:”  Do to others what you want them to do to you (Luke 6: 31), because, whatever you do to others, will be done to you again! Of course I must remind you, that there are always, exceptions to the rule, because God sees behind every action and reaction, and deals with us, in mercy! “he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. . . for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103: 10, 14). But let us not forget that just because He grants us grace, and shows us mercy, that does not nullify the fact that our actions oftentimes, bring reactions in kind!

Some of the original words in the text helps us to understand the true meaning of the proverb. The original word for wickedness could mean anything that goes contrary to what is right. In this case it could be, consuming with the sword. It shows a tendency to live contrary to right doing. Such a person is sowing a harvest of death and destruction.

Trouble, is what is reaped as a result of wickedness. The meaning of “nothingness” in the original word, could signify that many who could have attained to much – because of their evil way, come to nothing. Many a wrong attitude, a mean spirit, is the reason that some people may never accomplish what God has in store for them. Many times we declare our own failure by the way we live our lives.

The word rod refers to a crude weapon that is used to discipline. It could also represent an instrument of authority, that is used to rule. This says a lot! A kingdom that is built on cruelty, and force will eventually fall beneath its own weight! In the prophecies of Daniel we find that all the cruel, blood thirsty, nations, who used force to destroy other nations have all passed away; and those that are in existence now, will also pass; and give way to God’s kingdom of righteousness, whose foundation is love!

I was surprised at the following discovery:  The word fury in our text, when referring to people, is considered “a fault of character!” It is referred to as a “cruel anger!” It almost sounds as if this anger is pathological! Is it any small wonder that this tendency is eventually self-destructive?

“Will be destroyed.” Evil has a way of destroying itself. Righteousness and justice will remain forever! Long after all the wrong has been consumed, the kingdom of righteousness, and justice and love, ruled with a rod of mercy and grace, will be established in the earth, and will stand forever! Glory, hallelujah!

*Our word study is based on the Old Testament Dictionary in the Key Word Study Bible.

NOTE:  After tomorrow, we will be taking a break from the Proverbs. 

What Kind Of Harvest Are You Expecting?

2 thoughts on “What Kind Of Harvest Are You Expecting?

  1. Dear Mabel,
    Powerful study!
    You mentioned the Key Word Study Bible today. Did you mention another version in the past few months?

    P.S. What is the situation with the one daughter that had to go home? (Forgive my poor memory on her name.) She especially came to the front of my mind when I was praying for you today. God bless her.

  2. Dear Mabel,
    Powerful study!
    You mentioned the Key Word Study Bible today. Did you mention another version in the past few months?

    P.S. What is the situation with the one daughter that had to go home? (Forgive my poor memory on her name.) She especially came to the front of my mind when I was praying for you today. God bless her.

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