Our Families Are Gifts of Love – Cherish Them! – Part 6

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:  “ Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31: 28-31, NKJV.

Merciful Father, as we come into Your presence, we do it with hearts filled with gratitude. We are listening to hear Your voice, so please speak to us. This we ask in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the past five days we have been analyzing the words of King Lemuel, regarding a virtuous woman. In our devotionals we have placed her alongside the women of the twenty-first century. It was good for us to see that women like you and me, possess many of her attributes, talents, and traits. As we come to the end of this outstanding homage to womanhood, we realize that the “secret” behind her being a virtuous woman, is that, shefears the LORD.”

I believe that one of the greatest feelings of satisfaction for any woman, is to know that her family appreciate her. and that the efforts put forth on their behalf are received as they were intended, as a blessing.  We know that we are not perfect. We realize that there are times we seem to demand too much from those we love. This might cause us to appear difficult, hard, and even unreasonable. But, if at the end of the day, we can have the assurance that our intentions to bless, were understood and appreciated, it will be worth it all! To hear our children say: “I know that everything mom did for me, was intended for my good,” is one of the sweetest sounds on earth, for any mother, I am sure. We are blessed by such words!

When our husbands express their praise, what a positive boost that is for us as wives! While I believe that we are not to be controlled by the opinions of others, I do believe that kind comments, from those we love, are tools of empowerment, and can certainly, enhance our self-esteem.  One compliment from my husband is worth one hundred compliments from anyone else. What a difference it makes, to know that we are admired, and appreciated, by those we love!

King Lemuel makes a very profound analysis of beauty. He refers to it, as passing (NKJV), vain (KJV),  fleeting (NIV). All of these terms speak of superficiality, as something of a moment; without depth. Yet, in our society, and in almost the entire world, it is this feature of womanhood that is given the greatest importance. The physical beauty of women is actually, exploited. The physical appearance of a woman totally eclipses her inward beauty, which, in heaven’s sight, is of the greatest importance.  This inward beauty results from “fearing the Lord,” and is considered by her family, as worthy of praise!

I believe that Christian women should be attractive. But I firmly believe that the first thing that should greet the eye of the beholder, is her beauty of character! Women of God, when you possess this lasting, enduring, complete, beauty, that “does not fade away,” your own works will, “praise you in the gates!”

One day the result of every sacrifice we have made will be seen. One day the answer to our prayers, mingled with tears, that ascended to the Throne of Grace on behalf of our families, will finally be answered. One day, sooner than we believe, we will hear the “Well done” from the lips of the Savior, and will be given an abundant entrance into the New Jerusalem. Until then, my dear sisters, do not become “weary in well doing, for in due season [you will receive the reward of your labor,] if you faint not” (Galatians 6: 9)! May God bless you abundantly!

NOTE:  These counsels are shared from a Biblical, not a clinical, perspective.

Our Families Are Gifts of Love – Cherish Them! – Part 6

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