Keep Your Soul!

He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, But he who is careless of his ways will die. Proverbs 19: 16, New King James Version.

Dear LORD, please help us to see the blessing in Your leading; and help us to make Your way, our way. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

From time to time, I like to talk about the blessing that obedience brings. We live in a world that seem to believe that obedience and grace are at odds. I disagree. I believe that they are best friends. It all depends on what we expect of each. So that we can be on the same sheet of music, let me share with you what both concepts mean to me. Please feel free to disagree. And if you do, please share your point of view with me.

Grace is our passport to heaven. We cannot live a victorious life without it, nor can we receive eternal life without it. It is God’s free, undeserved, gift, to the human race! We can only receive it by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is the power that takes control when we recognize that we can do nothing to save ourselves. It is the means of our salvation.

Obedience is one of the surest ways of growth. It is the way we show our love to the Lord (John 14: 15). It is also our way of acknowledging that God knows best! It is surrendering our desires to God’s will, and allowing Him to lead us in the way we ought to go. It is a sign that we are saved by grace, through faith; that we are connected to the vine!

These are, in summary my definitions of grace and obedience. They are by no means intended to be conclusive. In the life of a Christian, there is always room for growth. Therefore with these thoughts in mind, let us take another look at our Scripture for today:

He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, But he who is careless of his ways will die. It would seem to me that obedience to God, which is the result of our love to Him, leads to life. As we grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Savior (2 Peter 3: 18), we are protected against being led away in error (17)! Remember we said that obedience is a way of growth? God gives us laws and rules, not for His benefit, but for ours; that we might grow!

When Jesus was in the temple discussing with the teachers of the law at the age of twelve, and his mother gently showed her disapproval of His remaining behind (he was left behind, is more accurate); Scripture informs us that after that day, “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them .  .  .  And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2: 51a, 52, emphasis provided). He informed them of His mission, but subjected Himself (obeyed) to their guidance. The result was growth (He “increased”), “in wisdom  .  .  .  and in favor with God and men”

On the other hand, the proverb concludes:  “But he who is careless of his ways will die.” To the wise man the opposite of obedience is carelessness, and the opposite of life is death! If obedience is a sign that we are connected to the vine, we all know what happens to the branch that becomes disconnected from the vine, it dies. I believe it is therefore safe to conclude, that disobedience produces death.

How inspiring to know that grace and obedience are good friends and can be found together, in the lives of those who love the Lord! Therefore my friend, keep your soul!

Keep Your Soul!

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