Why . . . LORD? – Part 3

Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites. Because the power of Midian was so oppressive, the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts, caves and strongholds. Judges 6: 1,2, NIV.

Gracious God, as we continue our study today, we ask that You will help us to understand the other side of the story; The reason why we sometimes have problems. Then help us to humble ourselves before You as we seek to do Your divine will. In the holy name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

For two days we have been looking at problems, and the questions that come as a consequence of those problems. Let us look at the cycle:  We have a problem, we cry to the LORD, the LORD sends, or shows, us a solution. We then tell God why we cannot accept the solution that He is offering us, even when He has promised to be with us! How can we break this cycle? How do we break this cycle? I believe that a good place to start, is at the very beginning, by asking ourselves some very pertinent questions:  Why am I in this situation in the first place? When and where did it begin? Usually, when we do this type of introspection it shifts the question from God, and brings it back to us. “Why am I feeling the way I am? After all, did I not see this coming? What could I have done and did not do to prevent this from occurring? Is it fair for me to ask God why? Or, did I bring this on myself?

This is the area of consideration for today. Our Scripture informs us that “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD[.]” The adverb again, alerts us to the fact that doing evil in God’s sight was an ongoing situation. Israel would sin against God, He would forgive them, and they would go right back and sin against Him again, and the cycle would continue, endlessly, for generations! The LORD does ‘not always chide,” neither does He “keep His anger forever” (Psalm 103: 9). So when their cup was full, “for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites.” And when they hit rock bottom, they cried unto the LORD – and He heard them! Merciful God and Savior!

There are times when we are asking God why He allowed certain things to befall us, when we should really be asking Him to forgive us, for sinning against Him. God puts up with much more from us, than we are willing to put up with each other. Thank God He does not deal with us as we deserve! Where would you and I be if He did? Now one of the real dangers in these generational situations, is that sometimes, the new generation does not know what has happened in the past. Perhaps by the time they are old enough to recognize a problem, their parents have now settled in the ways of the Lord, and they are wondering , “If my parents are such good Christians, why are they suffering this way?” Why . . . LORD?

Gideon’s case could somehow fit into this scenario. Obviously, he could not understand the suffering his country people were going through. From a child he had known that he was a part of the people of God. His parents had told him of all the wonderful miracles God had performed on their behalf, and how God never left them alone during their forty years of wilderness wanderings. Now, the Angel of the LORD, in person, had appeared to him and given him the assurance that God was with them. “But how can this be? If this is so, why so much suffering?” Why . . . LORD ?

Does it seem that the enemy has the upper hand? Do not be afraid. As in the time of Gideon, God is still on the side of His people. He has seen the problem. He has heard your cry. He will come and show you the solution to your problem. Keep on trusting, the answer is on its way. Of one thing we can always be sure, the reason for our suffering is not because God has left us, it could be our sins that are separating us from His blessings (Isaiah 59: 2).

We will continue this conversation.

Why . . . LORD? – Part 3

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