Honoring our Mothers

“ Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.  .  .” Exodus 20: 11, NKJV.

Dear God, in an age where so much is taken for granted, please help us not to forget to honor our mothers, and bring glory to Your most holy name! This we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today, in many parts of the world, we are celebrating Mother’s Day. While I am totally against the commercialization of this holiday, I do believe that mothers are worthy to have a day specially dedicated to them. All too often, the ones who are nearest and dearest to us, are either overlooked, or taken for granted! Sad to say, if a special day was not set aside to honor mothers, some mothers would not get the special attention that they deserve.

From the very beginning, God distinguished Eve, the mother of the human race, by creating her with a high and lofty purpose – to be a “helper [that was] comparable” for the man that He had created. God said that the world and all that He had made was “very good” (Genesis 1: 31), except, that the woman was missing! It was “not good that man should be alone” (2: 18). Together, man and woman, were joined by God as one, and equipped, to be “fruitful and multiply” and to rule over the earth (1: 28). Now that the king had his queen, he was ready to rule.

Women are unique creatures. That is not hard to understand. With the rib that God took from the man He built a woman – a unique work of architecture! Her body, though soft, was equally strong; pretty, yet practical. She came equipped to bear children, take care of a home, and make decisions. She knows how to be a wife, a mother, and a daughter, simultaneously. She can function as priest, president, and provost. She can smile through her tears; laugh at herself and sympathize with others. She knows how to love and to be loved. She is an expert at healing hurting fingers with a kiss, keeping secrets, and forgetting her own pain while engaging in prayer for others. She is God’s masterpiece!

There are many women – who have never brought a child into the world, but have faithfully fulfilled the duties of a mother. If you were raised, or mentored, by such a woman, she is worthy of your honor and consideration. If your mother is alive, love her, and cherish every moment you spend with her. If you are estranged from her, seek her and be reconciled to her while there is still time. If she has fallen asleep in the Lord, then cherish her memory, and make plans to be faithful, so that you can be reunited with her, and together, spend eternity, in the earth made new, in the presence of the Almighty!

To all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and women, who have done wonderful things, and made a positive difference in the life of another human being – Happy Mother’s Day – and may God abundantly bless you!

NOTE: An additional paragraph was added to our prayer for today, at the Prayer Request Chapel!

Honoring our Mothers

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