Our God Is Watching Over Us

The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. Psalm 33: 13-15, NKJV.

Holy Father, thank You for faithfully watching over us. We are grateful for Your leading in our lives. Please remain with us as we enter the study of Your Word this day. This is our prayer, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

How does it make you feel to know that God sees everything that you do; that He “considers all your works?” Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Or, does it give you a feeling of security. Of course the answer to this question would depend on the individual’s concept of who God is. It would also depend on the relationship that exists between the individual and God.

What I find rather interesting is the fact that while God is observing us, He is also restoring us, by fashioning our” hearts individually” (according to our needs)! Wow! Notice further,that He is not judging what we do, He is considering all our works! He is not looking at our isolated acts. He is seeing our pattern of living. That makes quite a difference. He is seeing not only our failures, but our successes, as well. In our devotional entitled, Leave Your Enemies In God’s Hands, I stated that, “the picture of us, that God keeps before Him, is not when we are at our lowest, but when, by His grace, we do our best for His glory!” I truly believe that.

How wonderful it would be, if we dealt with each other in this way. If, in all our personal interactions, we would look at each other with eyes of love, that are searching for ways to restore. If, in all our relationships, there could be that element of consideration, where we see each other as a whole person, where our strengths, not only our weaknesses, are considered.

Another thought of great interest, is the place from which God is watching us, “ from heaven;” From the place of His dwelling[.]” Could it be, that we need to climb up to higher ground, to be able to see our brothers and sisters, our relatives and friends, the way Jesus sees them? Is it because we have dwelt too long in the plains that we cannot see them as Christ does,  from above? During seminary, one of my favorite classes was, Christian Spiritual Resources. A lot of emphasis was placed on the fact that, perspective is based on location; a great truth, that has helped me on my journey. As we get closer to Jesus, our vision of others will change. We will begin to see them the way He does.

May God help us in our dealings with each other, to remember that He is watching over us. As He looks down from His dwelling place, may He find us treating one another the way we would like Him to treat us.

Our God Is Watching Over Us

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