He Called Me By My Name!

But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel:  “ Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. Isaiah 43: 1, NKJV.

Merciful God, You know how important names are. Teach us to call each other by our names – not the names we give each other, but by the name You have given us. This we ask in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Some of us like our names, and some of us do not. The phenomenon that I find with names is that whether or not we like them, consciously, or unconsciously, they exert their influence on us. I have written on this topic in the past, and preached on it many, many, times! It is a topic that is very important to me.

I am not very good at remembering names, though I never forget a face. I am working on that, because I realize how important our names are to us. I would prefer to ask a person his or her name, several times, rather than call them by someone else’s name! My precious little grandson will soon be three years old. When we talk to him on the telephone, his grandfather greets him with the words, “How is my Mikey?” (His name is Michael). It does not take long for Michael to respond, “My Mikey!” as if to make it clear that, he is Michael! He protects that identifying mark fervently! There is something about a name!

As human beings, we tend to live up to what has been prophesied about us, and to a lesser, or greater, degree, names are one or two-word prophesies. They tell others what we expect of them. Even the most rebellious child, if it is only unconsciously, tends to behave according to what he or she believes is expected of him or her It would be a good idea to discover what God’s name for His children is, and begin calling them by that name. I believe we would have many more success stories, and, by God’s grace, we would make it easier for our children, and others, to see themselves as over comers, and finally envision themselves in the kingdom of God.

Perhaps only eternity will reveal, how many people became, what others called them. After we have been called by a certain name, we begin to see ourselves as that. Something else that I have noticed, is that it is much easier for us to see ourselves negatively, or as failures – rather than in a positive light, as successful. So just a name on our birth certificates is not really what identifies us. It is how we are perceived by others, and what is the trend or treatment that accompanies the name, on a day to day, basis. It is not only what is said, but what is seen when we are called – our body language oftentimes, says much more than our words.

I am so glad that God calls us by our names! That is a great blessing for all of us, but especially, for those who have been mis-named. You see dear friends, when God created us, He created us from a unique, mold. He created us with attributes that are distinctively us! He knows what makes us who we are. He knows why we cry, when no one else sees a reason for our tears. He knows what brings us joy. He sees what empowers us, and make us feel good about ourselves. He also sees the opposite. He knows, that by His grace, we can make it to the kingdom, if someone will only share that information with us, in a way that gives us hope.

We will continue this conversation.

He Called Me By My Name!

2 thoughts on “He Called Me By My Name!

  1. Aloha dear “friend and sister in Christ”,
    Boy that’s a name that has meant a lot to me. That you would call me friend and sister! It strikes my heart strings. I have often thought that when I was nicknamed Terrible Terri as a child, it had, and is once in a while still having, an impact on me. I have wondered if I could ever find favor in the eyes of the Lord. I have cried at the thought of being the apple of His eye.
    If there were a name that I would pick, it would be, “He restores me”.
    The Lord bless you and keep you,
    Aloha from your sister Terri

  2. Aloha dear “friend and sister in Christ”,
    Boy that’s a name that has meant a lot to me. That you would call me friend and sister! It strikes my heart strings. I have often thought that when I was nicknamed Terrible Terri as a child, it had, and is once in a while still having, an impact on me. I have wondered if I could ever find favor in the eyes of the Lord. I have cried at the thought of being the apple of His eye.
    If there were a name that I would pick, it would be, “He restores me”.
    The Lord bless you and keep you,
    Aloha from your sister Terri

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