“Peace Like A River”

For He Himself is our peace[.] Ephesians 2: 14a, NKJV. 

Most Gracious God, we give You thanks for Your everlasting love. We praise You for your guidance, and for the wisdom that is found in Your Word. Please help us as we study. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

You will notice that I have taken only the very beginning of the text for our consideration today, that is because I want to discuss only the concept of peace, as it is found in Jesus. Tomorrow we will look at the entire argument of  Jesus, as  the Mediator between two covenants, and making peace between them.

I believe that peace, if not the most rare emotional commodity in existence, it is among the top three. I honestly believe, that behind every nervous breakdown, every broken relationship, every sleepless night, and most illnesses, a lack of peace can be found. However, for us to be on the same sheet of music as we study, let us look at peace, as defined by Jesus, and as lived out in His life.

Just before going back to the Father, Jesus had a talk with His disciples. He wanted to assure them that the separation between Him and them would not be permanent. He would return and take them to be with Him, forever. Knowing however, that the separation would rob them of their peace, He told them that He would give them peace sufficient to endure. He would give them a peace that would keep flowing like a river throughout their lives, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14: 27).

Jesus is the perfect example of one whom we would describe as “walking the talk.” He “lived what He preached.” What is more, He was the very embodiment of peace. The night that He and His disciples were on the turbulent sea, when it seemed that nothing but a watery grave awaited them, Jesus was peacefully asleep in the stern of the boat. Most of us know “the rest of the story.” Jesus arose from sleep, asked the disciples why they were afraid, and them spoke “Peace” to both the winds and the waves! That was no ordinary peace that He possessed. He possessed a peace that was not dependent on a restful sea. His peace was from within; from knowing in whom He believed, and from believing in the power of His might! He knew that while He dwelt here on earth, covered with humanity, His Father would take care of Him. That was the basis of His peace! We find that thread of peace – running throughout His life here on earth – peace like a river!

We too, can have this peace when we internalize the promises given to us by both the Father and the Son. When we believe that while Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit is hovering over the world, keeping us safe, and that holy angels have been commissioned to encamp “round about [us], and “defend” us, we will dwell in peace. When we learn to see ourselves as the “apple of [God’s] eye” (Zechariah 2: 8), we will have “peace like a river.” Because Jesus possessed this kind of peace while He lived here on earth, and because He is the Source of this peace while He is in heaven – He can offer it to us. Indeed, “He Himself is our Peace[!]”

NOTE:  This devotional has been edited.

“Peace Like A River”

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