
Blessed is that [person] who makes the Lord his [or her] trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. Psalm 40: 4.

Dear God, we are thankful for Your watchful care over us. We bless the day we decided to place our trust in You and You alone. Please keep us under the shadow of Your wings. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask these mercies. Amen.

It is interesting that in Holy Scripture the word happiness is often used as a synonym of blessedness. Perhaps if we were convinced that they were one and the same there would be more naturally happy people in the world, than people in pursuit of happiness. What do I mean by this? We would realize that it is something we receive, not something we have to create for ourselves. We would look to the only One who can truly bless us.

This fact was confirmed as I did a brief word search on the Hebrew term for happiness, esher, and made a most interesting discovery; that the term can also be used to “describe a person or nation who enjoys a relationship with God.” (Hebrew-Greek KEY WORD Study Bible, Old Testament Dictionary, p. 866). Not less interesting, was the discovery that the term is always used of people, never of God.

I think it is very important for us to note that this state of blessedness comes as a result of our choosing to make the Lord our trust! There is where the personal relationship comes in. We not only choose Him, but we choose Him instead of the proud and liars. Why do I make this distinction? To explain let me paint two scenarios based on some well known sayings in our society that reveal who and what many people choose to put their trust in – in their search for happiness. Perhaps you have heard them and even repeated them yourself:

“It is not who you know, but who knows you.” In the world of politics this phrase is often repeated. It is also mentioned when people are out searching for jobs. There are times when people are recommended to a position by one of their friends. They are not even acquainted with the person to whom they have been recommended; but because their friend said a word for them, they were chosen.

“It is not what you know but who you know.Not the same premise. Many times it is not the most qualified person who occupies a position, but someone who knew a member of the selecting staff who manipulated the selection process and had them hired.

In both situations people put their trust in other human beings.

The first scenario, in my opinion, is not always wrong, unless deceit and unethical methods are employed. There are well qualified people who could do an excellent job, if only they were given a chance. But some jobs are so fiercely guarded that the only way you can get to them is by recommendation of someone who knows that you are qualified, and recommends you.

The second scenario, in my opinion, leaves much to be desired. There is a list of qualified applicants who could be an asset to any organization sitting on a desk. A friend of a selecting staff member is in need of a job, and asks that their friend be hired. The list of applicants is not even reviewed, and the friend of the selecting staff member is given the job. Sometimes a person who is already a part of the organization and was probably waiting to be selected for this job which would represent a promotion for him or her is overlooked and has to be the one who trains the non-qualified person for the job. How hurtful is that!

Perhaps many of us know someone who has suffered from this kind of injustice. Some of us, at some time or another, may even have felt that we were victims ourselves. To us, the Scripture for today becomes very relevant. We are happy, yes, blessed, because all our needs are supplied by the Lord! We do not have to sacrifice principle by looking to other human beings for help. We do not have to rely on deceit to get what we need, because we have chosen to make the Lord our trust!




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