Think About These Things

But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2:19, NKJV).

Gracious God, here I am again needing to hear a word from you. There are times when we do not understand all that we see and hear but one day You will make it very clear to us. Until then, please help us to keep our eyes on You and our hands in Your hands. In the name of Jesus Christ we humbly pray. Amen.

A lot has happened in the life of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus in a very short period of time. They have been very busy. They have travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, according to some estimates, approximately seventy-eight to eighty miles. Because Mary was nearing the time when she would give birth they had to travel with much caution, for perhaps four days or more.

When they arrived in Bethlehem I imagine their first thought was to get the census over with before baby was due. Many people were in Bethlehem perhaps for the same reason as they – the taking of the census; so finding a place to spend a few days or even a night must have represented a challenge. For Mary and Joseph the challenge was even greater because of their financial situation. They needed something affordable. Even if it was not the best place in town.

Soon it was obvious that baby would be born at any minute. They could not lose any time. They must find a place, and they must find it now! But every place they could afford was already booked! Finally, some inn keeper seeing their plight – or perhaps moved by God to provide a place for His Son to be born, showed them the only place they had available:  the stable, where the cattle was kept. As they looked over the area, I imagine they thought:  “This trough looks big enough to hold a newborn baby. And with the stable so full of animals it should be warm enough.”

But wait! Who will attend the young, innocent, first-time mother? Scripture does not reveal the answer to that. We are only told that the Christ Child was born and “wrapped in swaddling clothes” and laid in a manger (trough, the place where animals’ food was served).  All of this was being pondered by the young virgin mother.

Then came the visit of the shepherds. I wonder if it was the same night, hours after Mary gave birth, or the next morning, or the following night, when the shepherds paid them a visit. But that is not the important issue here. What is of really great importance is what they may have said to Mary and Joseph concerning what the angels told them about the newborn baby. His birth had brought “peace on earth” and “good will to men.” Was that not what the Messiah would do? “Mary have you forgotten what the angel told you about this child? That the Holy One that would be conceived would be the Son of God?” How could she avoid “pondering” things such as these?

When Christ enters our lives we will never be the same again. Things we never knew or heard we will know and hear. Things we never thought possible will come to pass. Changes brought about by divine providence will make us fearful. Our minds will be challenged by thoughts of a heavenly nature. And we too will ponder these things in our hearts. Are you ready for the change of a lifetime? My prayer is that during this Christmas season you will open the door of your heart and give the Christ-child an opportunity to be born in your heart!

Think About These Things

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