Tell It To Jesus!

Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. Mark 6: 30-32, NKJV.

Dear God, how comforting it is to know that talking to You will make everything “all right.” May we do it at all times and under all circumstances. This is our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Perhaps you are acquainted with the chorus A little talk with Jesus makes it right, all right! A little talk with Jesus makes it right, all right! In trials of every kind, Praise God I always find, a little talk with Jesus makes it right, all right!

I sang this chorus a lot as a little girl, but did not pay too much attention to the words. Later in life, as an adult, I became aware of just how important and true the message in this little chorus is. Indeed, a little talk with Jesus in the midst of temptation can make me an overcomer. A little talk with Jesus in the midst of danger can make me braver. A little talk with Jesus in the time of decision can make me wiser. A little talk with Jesus not only makes us feel better; it also makes us better persons.

These had been very busy days for the Savior and His disciples. After preaching a powerful message at church one Sabbath He was rejected by the church folks in His home town. They thought to themselves “Who does this young man believe he is, preaching such a message to us (never had they heard such a message)! ‘We know him; we know his mother and we know his siblings. ‘ ” Realizing that He would not be able to accomplish much among His own He departed; but not before touching and healing some who were willing to be healed.

Then the  Savior endowed His disciples with power from on high and sent them out two by two. Not long after, word came to Him that His cousin, John the Baptist, had been beheaded. It was not only a busy time, but a sad time for the Lord. I am almost certain that the need to talk with His friends was also very important for the Savior at this time. You see conversation is a two way exercise. We talk and we listen. Others speak and we listen. Both speaker and listener alike, are served. Talking with Jesus, also known as prayer, is a conversation.

When His disciples returned from their mission trip they were anxious to tell the Savior all that had happened while they were away; so He invited them to come aside and rest a while. They entered a boat and pushed away from the shore so that they could be alone with the Savior. It is at these quiet times, when we are alone with Jesus, that talking with Him, is especially sweet!

Most of us live very busy lives. We are always rushing from place to place trying to pack as much as we can into our twenty-four hours. The one thing many will sacrifice to make way for other things, is the time for, “a little talk with Jesus.” Then we wonder why our days come to an end leaving us feeling so dissatisfied and empty! We do not realize that we have been running on empty! The one thing we needed to fill us, and strengthen us, and enable us, is the one thing we did not have time for – talking to Jesus.

If you want to add meaning to your life, if you want a sense of fulfillment, if you want to come to the end of the day feeling that you have accomplished something, take time off “for a little talk with Jesus.” If you want to have the wisdom to make the right decisions; if you need strength in the hour of temptation; if you want to experience faith instead of fear, then take time out and “have a little talk with Jesus.” It makes all things right!


Tell It To Jesus!

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