Coming Back! -Postlude #2

But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31, NKJV.

Dear God, I thank You for Your loving kindness. Please help me not to become weary in doing Your will. I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus! Amen.

In the year 2007, while studying at my beloved alma mater, La Sierra University, I felt impressed by God to begin a website in which I would share with “whosoever will,” the promises of God. At first I was hesitant. I told God I did not believe that I could do this, but God assured me that He “would be with me.” I could not say no in the light of His promise! But there are many blank spaces on the website during these fourteen years.

Recently, I have been encouraged to get back to doing what I promised God fourteen years ago! Coming Back! has been the first series. Please pray that I might be faithful to the end!

Farmer Brown went out one morning to feed his ducks, when he noticed a strange little “duckling” walking along with the others following mother duck. He had never seen such a duckling before. As time went by this little duck was growing exceedingly fast and big.

When farmer Jones came to visit farmer Brown he commented, “when did you start raising eagles?” Farmer Brown replied, “What are you talking about?” “That oversized bird walking along with the other ducklings is a baby eagle!” “But that cannot be,” answered Farmer Brown, “he has been raised along with the other ducklings. He walks like a duck, and eats like a duck!” “But he is not a duck and I will prove it to you,” replied farmer Jones.

For two weeks farmer Jones climbed the hill with the duckling, holding him in a position for him to look directly at the sun as it came up; then he would let him go. For a while he would flap his wings, but would eventually fall to the ground. One day, as the sun was coming up, the ugly duckling stared, as if transfixed by the sight, and as farmer Jones let him go, he began to flap his wings, Harder and Harder, and then took his flight Higher and Higher into the eastern sky where he belonged!

One of the promises that was mentioned this week is that we would “mount up with wings like eagles.” Many of us are flying way lower than we should. What many, if not all of us, need, is to take a good long look at, “The Sun of Righteousness [who] shall arise with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2). Then spiritual  heights will become our destiny, as we wait on the Lord!


Coming Back! -Postlude #2

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