March, Month of Women’s History! Part 1

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:10-12)*.

Heavenly Father, please help us to find our true virtues, as we dedicate our life in total service to  You. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Today, is our first official devotional in the month of March, Women History Month. I will be giving it the date of March 3.

For me, whenever I think of virtue, immediately, the picture of a well clad, and fully composed, woman, comes to my mind. While that is not a bad thing, it could be limiting the concept of virtue, as we will see during the devotionals of the month of March.

I believe a good Bible verse for launching this topic is Genesis 2:18. I will refer to it as, God’s call on women’s lives to make our world a better place, beginning at home!

When I was growing up, there was an adage I heard repeated quite often when our parents wanted to teach us a lesson. It was “Charity begins at home!” I understood it as, all good deeds, should have their beginning in the home. Or, your best behavior should be practiced at home.

As a child, I was not particularly interested in the saying, even though I understood what it meant. However, as an adult, I wanted my children to make it a part of their value system. So I  prohibited them from being unkind to one another, and they were not allowed to be rude to us. I am sure that they were not always the kindest to each other, but at least, they knew that we  would not allow it in our presence.

They are now all adults, and I give God all the honor and glory for the way He helped them to internalize the real meaning of these words, and then live it out in their lives! I can never thank God enough!

Many of us are aware that we live in a very hypocritical society! We tend to wear our best faces in public, but give ourselves permission to be mean, and thoughtless, behind closed doors! What is so painful about this, is that we hurt those closest to us; those who go through the good times and the bad times with us. Those who we should hold nearest and dearest to our hearts!

From our Bible verse for today, we find that her being virtuous, this wife, was a great blessing to her husband. He felt secure in her loving care. He felt no need of anything. With her in his life, he knew that he would be well cared for!

She seemed to be a very selfless person. The most of the kudos heaped on her, come as a result of what she did for others.

As we go through the remaining verses of chapter 31 in our devotionals, the extent of her virtuous life, will become very obvious to all!

We will continue this conversation!

NOTE: This devotional replaces any other devotional dated 3 March, 2022.

The Bible verse for today has been expanded.


March, Month of Women’s History! Part 1

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