The Lord Is With You!

And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice highly favored one, the LORD is with you; blessed are you among women!” Luke 1: 28, NKJV

Dear God, thank You so much for Your love and mercy toward Your children.  Please send Your Holy Spirit to be with us during the study of Your Word, for Christ’s sake; Amen

It is finally Mother’s Day.  As we discovered yesterday, according to, this makes it the one-hundredth “Mother’s Day Observance, as we know it today.”  I pray that we will make every day, “Mother’s Day.”  May we love our mothers, and do the best we can for them while they can appreciate it.  One day a year is not enough to say “thank you,” for all that they have done, or may have wanted to do, for us. 

For some individuals, there may be a need to put away some things from the past, by giving them to Jesus.  This will help to clear the way, for you to be able to love, and renew communication with your mothers.  Whatever is in your power to do, by God’s grace, do it, and leave the rest to God.  I assure you, “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!

Today we will take a closer look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, and at God’s dealings with her.  As He prepares her for the highest honor any woman could aspire to, He sends an angel to her with a message.  This is her reaction: 

…[S]he was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was” (29).  Who would not be?  This is a very young girl.  It is not everyday that an angel appears to you!  Besides, his greeting is quite unusual:  You are highly favored!  YHWH is with you!  You are blessed among women!  But God did not allow her to remain troubled.

Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God...’  ”   (30).  It was, indeed, an extraordinary honor.  She had found favor, of the highest, in God’s sight!  The sovereign God, would entrust to her, the care of the “Word made flesh” (John 1: 14).  She need not be afraid of the angel, but, what a fearful task!  What confidence the God of the universe had deposited in a lowly maiden!  What a God!

Do not be afraid to ask God questions.  He has the answers you may be seeking (34, 35)!  I am convinced that we do not know more, because we do not ask more.  “Then Mary said to the angel, how can this be, since I do not know a man” (34)?  There is such transparency in innocence!  This is an angel telling her that God has said, that she will have a child.  Yet in her childlike innocence, I believe her question is; How is God going to do this?  It takes a man and a woman to produce a child.  I have not known a man.  Zechariah was struck dumb for asking, virtually, the same question.  Mary’s question was answered!  All I will say to that is, God sees the heart!

When His will was revealed she surrendered to it (38).  Here I am Lord, yours, to do whatever you deem necessary.  There again is that sweet, innocent, childlike attitude.  I did not know it could be done, but if you say it can be done, here I am; may it be done in me!  Praise God for such unconditional surrender!  May God grant that someday, by His grace, I will become that surrendered, to His will!

When God honors you, do not lose your humility; and always, give Him the glory (48, 49)!  Even though she has been told by the angel that she is “highly favoured,” in her Magnificat, she makes the following reference to herself, “…He has regarded the lowly estate of His maidservant…”  Then referring to God, “For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name.”  Emphasis provided.  Surely, God knows who He can use to bring Himself glory!  He is still looking for women and men, girls and boys, to use.  May God help us to make ourselves available, and usable, for His honor and glory!

Ladies everywhere, God bless you!  God loves you, and so do I!  Have a blessed, and a very Happy, Mother’s Day!

The Lord Is With You!

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