You Are Set Free!

On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her [H]e called her forward and said, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then [H]e put [H]is hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God. Luke 13: 10-13, NIV

Gracious God, we praise You for Your power to save, and to set us free. May our minds be set free to learn the lessons You have in store for us today; is our prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen

Our promise for today is nestled in the middle of our Scripture. It is just one sentence: Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” I believe that the key to getting deeper into understanding this healing experience, can be found in verses 1-5 of this same chapter. There exists, in many of us, if not all of us, the temptation, to judge the condition of others (physical, financial,) on their worthiness, or lack of the same. Let me explain:  If someone is sick, or poverty stricken, or if calamity befalls them, we tend to think that they are in this condition, or that these things are happening to them, because they have done something that is wrong; and that they are being punished by God (Job 15: 5, 6).  I have explained this before.

It is quite possible, that Jesus, knowing what He was planning to do for this woman, was preparing His audience.  Just imagine, this woman had been suffering for eighteen years.  A “spirit” had her crippled! There are quite a few stories in the Bible about people who suffered from different ailments that were caused by demon-possession. This version of the Bible does not talk about a demon, but rather a “spirit.” I checked several versions trying to find some additional information regarding this spirit that had caused this woman’s illness, and this is what I found, The Message refers to her illness as simply, “arthritis.” The Amplified Bible refers to it as caused by “(a demon of sickness).” The Contemporary English Version says she was “crippled by an evil spirit.” The 21st Century King James Version calls it “a spirit of infirmity.” The Darby Translation also calls it “a spirit of infirmity.”

Of the five translations consulted, one mentions a physical ailment: arthritis.  the other three imply physical illness caused by a supernatural force, two:  a spirit of infirmity; and one:  a demon of sickness).  Looking at the original myself, I tend to believe that some situation (perhaps emotional: depression {?}) could have been at the base of this woman’s illness.  Jesus both speaks to, and touches, her, in the process of healing.  Sometimes just setting the body free (touching), is not quite enough. The mind must also be set free (speaking), to prevent the body from relapsing back into a state of illness.  Do you remember the story of the paralytic whose friends let him down through the roof of the house?  Jesus spoke to him, “your sins are forgiven you.” Only then, could he “Arise, take up [his] bed and go to [his] house” (Matthew 9: 2, 6).

Like the woman in our story, there are many people today, who need to hear, that they are O.K., before our touch of healing, will mean anything to them.  We need to get beyond, trying to figure out why people are going through the things they are going through, and just learn to pray for, and help, each other.  I am almost certain that many of you have heard that, “Christ has no lips but our lips,” to speak a word of hope to someone.  Some people may seem quite normal.  Their maladies are not visible to us, yet; but these maladies are just as painful, and just as real.  May we be willing to be that voice that will cast out “the spirit of infirmity,” and set the captive free!

You Are Set Free!

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