For The Sake Of His Great Name

“…And do not turn aside; for then you would go after empty things which cannot profit or deliver, for they are nothing.  For the LORD will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the LORD to make you His people…” 1 Samuel 12: 21. 22, NKJV 

Dear Lord, we realize that we will be blessed as we receive the message that is enclosed in this promise for us.  So speak LORD, for Your children are listening.  Amen.

I am so glad that God has chosen human beings to be His people!  That includes you and me!  Isn’t that marvelous?  He could have chosen angels; but He made them His ministering spirits, instead (Hebrews 1: 14).  He chose us with all our weaknesses and faults; with all of our ingratitude and sins (Romans 5: 8), and died for us.  By His blood, He made us His people!  Oh, what love!  What amazing, unconditional, love!  What a God!

Our promise is found nestled in the story of Israel’s first king.  Prior to this, God was their king.  It was He who led them forth in battle (Joshua 6: 2-5, 12-17).  He fought and won their battles for them (Exodus 14: 14, 24).  Until they decided that they wanted to be likethe other nations” (1 Samuel 8: 19, 20).  Like many of us, they went after “empty things;” things “that cannot profit or deliver, for they are nothing.”  They chose a man to lead them instead of the sovereign God!  The psalmist asked the question:  “what is man [woman] that you are mindful of [them], the [children] of man that you care for [them] (Psalm 8: 4, NIV)?  Again he reminds us of the transient nature of humanity “As for man [woman], [their] days are like grass, [they flourish] like the flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more” (Psalm 103: 15,16, NIV). 

 Even though they had forsaken God, God did not forsake them!  “For the LORD will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the LORD to make you His people.”  There is hope for all of us in this promise.  You see, it is God who chooses us, not we Him.  When anyone accepts the LORD as their personal Savior from sin, it is because God has already taken the first step in the relationship (Philippians 2: 13)!  So, even when we stray, and make wrong decisions, as Israel did so many times; God may punish us, in love, with the hope of us returning to Him; but He will not forsake us

You see, my friends, God has a name that represents His character!  I do not believe that any finite mind can fully comprehend the meaning of God’s name.  When Christ came to earth to dwell among us, to represent who the Father really was; He came as Jesus (Savior)!  He came as Emmanuel (God with us).  But these were names that we could try to grasp, but never fully comprehend!  Why?  Because God gave His Son a name which is above every name!  It is the only “name under heaven given to men, by which we must be saved (Acts 4: 12, NIV).  For His great name’s sake, He will not forsake His people!

If anyone is lost, they will never be able to blame God (John 3: 16, 17)!  God has done everything in His power to save us; but He will respect our final decision.  God is the author of free choice.  He guides and encourages our choices (Deuteronomy 30: 19) if we allow Him; but He respects, and abides, by our decision for our lives

What is your decision today?

For The Sake Of His Great Name

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