Do This In Remembrance Of Me!

For I received from the Lord what I also handed unto you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when [H]e was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when [H]e had given thanks, [H]e broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you.  Do this in remembrance of [M]e.”  In the same way [H]e took the cup also, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood.  Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of [M]e.” 1 Corinthians 11: 23, 24, NRSV.

Heavenly Father, Please lead us into all truth, for Christ’s sake.  Amen.

Today we look at the Lord’s Supper.  This is the sacrament or rite that replaced the Passover Supper.  In some faith circles it is known as the Communion Service; in others, as the Eucharist.  On the last night that Jesus partook of the Lord’s Supper with His disciples, He wanted to make sure that they understood what He was doing; and what was expected of them, when they met to share this meal.

He is preparing to go back to the Father.  With His suffering, death, and resurrection, He is about to bring in a new dispensation.  The old ceremonial law which pointed to His death is on its way out.  The veil in the temple, that separated the “holy,” from the “most holy place,” would be “rent in twain;” testifying to the fact that, the perfect Sacrifice, had been offered for man; once and for all.  So tonight, must be a night to remember.  They must now see in the communion service, a reminder of the Lord’s death, until He comes

These were Christ’s intentions when He introduced the Lord’s Supper.  But Paul has received reports that the behavior of the saints is far from what it should be.  There is no demonstration of concern one for the other.  Again the cliques are showing up; this time in a different form.  When the time comes to partake, some are overeating while others are going hungry.  This, says the apostle, is unacceptable!  Remember what the emblems represent; they represent a sacrificial offering.  The bread represents My body that was broken, not for some but for all!  The wine represents the blood I spilled on Calvary’s cross, that all might be saved. Paul is saying, that he received by word of mouth, from those who were eye witnesses of the actual event, the actions of the Lord Jesus Christ; what He did, on that last night.  He took the bread, and gave thanks for it.  Afterwards, He broke it, and distributed it.  It was a meal in community, and Jesus was modeling the spirit that is to be evident when the church comes together to break bread.  Remember, this is to be done “in remembrance of [Him].”  And because of this, I dare to say, that, it would be sacrilegious, if the spirit of the occasion is anything other than that of a selfless, meek, and quiet spirit; in which everyone prefer each other more than him, or her (self)!

Remembering my death will make a difference (25.26)!  Do this, in remembrance of Me!

Do This In Remembrance Of Me!

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