Jesus Is Always Listening

While He was still speaking, some came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.” Mark 5:35,36, NKJV.

Dear God, how comforting it is for us to know that nothing goes unheard or unnoticed by You dear Lord. You are interested in everything that we say and do. Help us not to lose sight of that fact. In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen.

This was another busy day in the life of Jesus. He had spent the entire day before speaking to the multitudes. Even when He was through with His teaching and tried to retire for the day, Sacred Scripture informs us, “other little boats were also with Him” (4:36c. Emphasis provided).

Then a storm arose while they were journeying to the other side. The disciples are frantic and complain, even accusing the Savior of neglect, “Don’t You care if we die?” Jesus calmly brings peace to the situation by calming the voice of the winds and the fury of the waves.

They are now on the other side and the first thing to greet their eyes is a scene that strikes terror to the heart of the disciples. They run for their lives. It is a demon-possessed man who came running toward Jesus. Sacred Scripture reads:  “to worship.” But the words that come from his lips are not words of worship but words of fear and frustration. Jesus, who is always listening, recognizes that there is a problem.

What is your name? He asks. The Savior knows that in order to help the man He must uncover who is causing the disconnect. When He uncovers Legion, by the Master’s permission, the demons are allowed to go into the swine – and does to them what they would most likely have done to the poor man if they had not been discovered and conquered – drowned them.

Next we see the Savior hurrying off  to get back into the boat and return to where He came from. He is no longer welcome on this side of the shore. Because His ears are tuned to hear things that the natural ear cannot, He knows that others on the other side are needing Him. He is so bent on doing the will of the Father and of saving fallen humanity from the prison house of the Adversary, that He is always listening.

On this side of the shore is a woman who has been dying for the past twelve years, and a little girl who is only twelve years and is dying. Jesus is listening to the testimony of this woman who touches the hem of His garment and is made whole by her faith in the Savior. He is also listening to the plea of the father who begs that the Master hasten to his home and heal his only child before she dies.

Because Jesus was listening He heard when the man’s servant said to him:  “Too late master, do not bother the Teacher any further. Your child is dead.” Then from the lips of the Savior comes these words of encouragement – echoing down through the ages:  “Do not be afraid; only believe[,]” to remind you and me that no matter what the outcome of our prayers, Jesus heard us, because He is always listening and He has the last word! In the servant’s sphere the child was dead, in Jesus’ sphere, she was only asleep and was awakened by the sound of the Savior’s voice!

In our pain or disappointment, or frustration, it may seem that our prayers are not heard, or that we are not worthy to have our prayers answered. Do not become discouraged. Keep right on praying. And then “sometime we’ll understand.”

Jesus Is Always Listening

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