God Loves the Sinner!

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8, NKJV.

Dear God we praise You for Your unconditional love in the name of the Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

I believe if there is anyone who can barely understand this concept it would be a parent. And perhaps not even all parents. To better understand the point I am trying to make, let us look at a definition of sin that is widely used:  separation from God. Now let us replace the word sin with this definition:

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still separated from God, Christ died for us.

It is believed that if couples have differences that make living together difficult (I are not referring to life-threatening situations – whether physical or emotional); the way to deal with those differences is not to live apart from each other, but to remain together and try to work out the differences.

That makes a lot of sense to me, because some of the dangers of separation is that it opens a door, or facilitates the entrance of a third person. Lonely people seek company. Loneliness also makes people vulnerable. Therefore, a lonely person could easily become a victim to an unscrupulous person’s advances.

We tend to fill a void with whatever is available and feels “good” at the moment. Remember this slogan that was quite popular in a season:  It cannot be bad if it feels good (more or less)?  Many people who became victims to others have looked back at the time of their fall and have asked the question:  How could I have fallen victim to someone like that? He or she is not even my type!

Our great Shepherd of the flock takes good care of His sheep. He knows us by name and nature. He knows our tastes and types. He knows what makes us vulnerable. Therefore, while we were separated from Him, He died in order to bind us to Himself forever. Not against our will, but in love and because of His great love, so that we would have an opportunity to not fall prey to “our Adversary the devil” who goes about searching for vulnerable victims!

Thank God for Jesus and His love!

God Loves the Sinner!

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