A Mind That is Stayed on God!

You will keep [them] in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because [they] [trust] in You. (Isaiah 26: 3, NKJV).

My Heavenly Father, In the name of Your Son and my Savior, Jesus the Christ I approach the Throne of Grace. May Your Holy Spirit minister to me as I seek Your face in the study of Your Word. Amen.

During my morning walk our text for today was brought to my attention by the Holy Spirit, as the text that I should use for my devotional. I was thrilled, because for days I have not been sharing my thoughts online.  When I asked what I should say about the text, the answer was:  “Notice that peace comes from keeping your mind on the Lord!” Wow!

It was just the answer I needed seeing that my day did not begin on its best foot.  Now I knew what to do – keep my focus upward. Concentrate on what God was doing in my life right now! Remember all the messages that He had sent, and has been sending, my way. Remember that He is All mighty; that His grace is sufficient, and is at its best in my weakness!

As I sat here writing it dawned on me that it wasn’t just peace, but perfect peace that is promised to those whose mind is guarded by God. If it is perfect, then it is divine! There is nothing earthly or human about it. It is coming directly from God! Therefore, it is altogether effective in preserving our peace.

You see my friends, thoughts of God, are a safeguard against evil! Regardless of the form that evil may take:  ungodly thoughts and imaginations, fear, low self esteem, envy, jealousy, covetousness, depression, pride – you name it! When you keep your mind on God and on the things of God, there is no place left for these negative, defeating, worry-producing thoughts!

The next time the Adversary tries to defeat you or me by meddling with our minds, my prayer is that our minds will be so engrossed, imbued, immersed (the apparent repetitious thought is intentional), in God, that nothing will be able to interrupt our peace!

A Mind That is Stayed on God!

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