Sin Will Take You Captive

So all Israel was recorded by genealogies, and indeed, they were inscribed in the book of the kings of Israel. But Judah was carried away captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness. (1 Chronicles 9: 1, NKJV).

Dear God, our only reliable fortress in the storm of life is You. We seek shelter beneath Your wings, that we might not be taken captive  by the wiles of the devil. In the name of our refuge – Your Son and our Savior – Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

I have often said that no statement in the Bible is unimportant. The way things are written, the order of the words in any given sentence, all serve a purpose. The first time I looked at our Scripture for today, what caught my attention was the second half of the verse:  “But Judah was carried away captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness.”

Today I am returning to finish this devotional that I started, exactly one year ago, to date (March 27, 2015)! I have no recollection of what the text meant to me on that day. But of this one thing I am sure, there is a message for you and me today!

I do not believe in coincidences in the life of the Christian. I believe that situations, good and bad, are  woven together by our Heavenly Parent according to His Divine Intelligence, in order to fulfill the plan He has for our lives. In other words, situations are permitted in the life of the Christian, according to Divine Providence, for our salvation.

Looking at this Scripture today brings the following scene to my mind :

 “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness’ ” (Matthew 7:22, 23)

The text says, “all Israel was recorded by genealogies, and indeed, they were inscribed in the book of the kings of Israel.” They were recorded and inscribed in the book as God’s people, but were still held captive by the evil one; still practicing lawlessness (sin)! Known as Israelites, but serving the evil one.

Sometimes God has to allow us to be taken captive to a Babylon of our own making, in order to save us.

It might be a good thing for us to take an inventory of our lives from time to time. Am I who I think I am? Who am I really serving? When I come to the end of the road, will the Master know me? Will I know the Master? Am I just doing things? Or am I becoming more like the Master? Will I have to be taken captive in order to become who God created me to become, according to His perfect plan for my life?

It is something worth thinking about. Could our names be in the books of the churches we attend but not in the Lamb’s book of life? By God’s grace, let us make sure that we know where our names are written, because we know the Savior. In this way, we will never be taken captive by sin.



Sin Will Take You Captive

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