
“Honor your father .  .  . that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.  .  .” Exodus 20: 12, NKJV

Dear God, we thank You for fathers who have permitted You to teach them the art of fathering. Please bless them, and help them to enjoy the labors of their hands. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

It is not an easy task to be a father in today’s society. In these latter years there has been a breakdown in parental authority, and especially that of the father. Men, who were once seen as authoritative figures, are now portrayed as either weaklings, or, as buffoons. It would seem as if society is deliberately trying to destroy the male figure.

That is not exactly a mystery. We read the following in the Bible:  “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house” (Mark 3: 27). We understand, of course, that Jesus was responding to the accusation of the religious leaders, that He was casting out demons in the name of Beelzebub. Jesus responded to them in logical terms, that the only way one can enter another person’s territory and take someone captive, is by first overpowering the “strong man” or, the one in charge of that territory. 

If we should translate this concept into our topic under discussion, we would discover, that an undercover enemy, has entered our homes, through the media, and other subtle entrances, that we have neglected, and, or, left unguarded; has bound our fathers (and mothers), and is making havoc of our families. Fathers’ authority is being questioned, his rules ignored, and his teachings mocked.

The Tube now has the last word. And the Tube says, “Just do it!” “If it feels good, then, it can’t be wrong!” “Anything goes!” It seems that we are not aware that the mastermind, behind these loose trends, is the “adversary the devil” who is “seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5: 8). He has bound the “one in charge,” and has taken over many households. But this is only possble, when we allow him into our homes. One way to guard the entrance to our homes is by giving back to fathers their place, their voice, and the respect, that they deserve; in other words, by honoring them. 

Children, young people, young adults, God has a reason for everything He tells us to do, or not to do. He has asked us to honor our fathers. Some of the ways we can honor our fathers, is by respecting them, by obeying them, and by showing them deference. We do not have to always agree with others in order to show them respect and deference. And there may be times when it will not be possible to obey someone we honor, because we may not agree with him or her. In these cases, we can honor them, by respectfully, disagreeing with them. 

There are many men who have done their best to be good fathers. God did not say that we were to honor our fathers if they were perfect. He simply asks us to honor them. When we do our best in obeying the Word of God – God will bless us. Today if you have a God-fearing father who exemplifies the love of God, give God thanks for him, love, and honor him. If you have a father that has not yet given his life to the Lord, by God’s grace, love and honor him; and pray that one day, he too, will give his heart to the Lord.

To all of you wonderful fathers, our wish today, is that you will be richly blessed in all that you do. We love you, honor you, and wish you a very Blessed, and Happy, Father’s Day!

NOTE:  My heartfelt regrets for this late publication.


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