Angel Bodyguards!

For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11,12.

Heavenly Father, how gracious You are to Your children! We love You because You first loved us, and was willing to give the Best of Heaven that we might have life in abundance. We thank You dear Lord for Your protection at all times and in all places. And we offer You this thanks in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Is it not wonderful to know that as sinful as we are, we are precious to God? so precious, that He has assigned to each of us our own special angel body guard? What a comforting thought. Our angel knows our going out and our coming in, and has been instructed by God to keep us in all our ways.

Notice however, that even though we each have our special guardian angel, this text speaks of angel in plural, angels. Can you imagine that there is no limit to the protection God has provided for us? There are angels everywhere looking out for us; watching over us; ready to come to our rescue. Oh, what love!

I can testify to the truthfulness of that statement as I have come face to face with death on more than one occasion. Several times I have stopped in my tracks and acknowledged right then and there that an angel had stood between me and death.

As a little girl it seems I was always stubbing my toe on a stone. How it hurt! I can remember it as if it were yesterday. Yet, no matter how often I stubbed my toe. I never fell. Proof that an angel was doing his job. I was being borne in his hand and kept safe.

This is the Scripture that the enemy misquoted when tempting Jesus in the wilderness. He purposely left out “to keep you in all your ways” in an attempt to get Jesus to act presumptuously. But the Living Word, had the written Word in His heart and could not be misled.

Is it not a wonderful thing to know that as we make God our refuge; when He is our dwelling place, that we will be kept in all our ways? Not by one angel, but by as many as we need at any given time. Thank You Lord. There is no other place I would rather dwell!


Angel Bodyguards!

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