Don’t Give Away Your Power! -Part 2

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him” (Proverbs 26:4).

Dear God, nothing in my hand I bring, because I have nothing WORTHY of my King. But please use me to deliver a message for Your glory and the blessing of Your people! In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Yesterday we began this conversation, and we looked at one way that we may be giving away our power. Today, I would like us to consider another situation in which we might be doing the same thing.

I had a hairdresser who hung over her work station the following sign:  “I am allergic to negative people.” I am almost certain that most of us feel the same way, even if we do not make it known.

The reason for this is because negativity has a very draining effect on people. Listen to what the wise man had to say about this: “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). There are people who can never see the glass half full. In their eyes, the glass is always half empty. It is hard to have a merry spirit around such people.

Our Scripture offer us a powerful reason why we should not give away our power, “lest you also be like him [or her].” By adapting another person’s attitude we have given them too much power.

But we do not have to give away our power or our joy. Instead of allowing ourselves to become “like them” by being drawn into their sphere of negativity, we can invite them into our sphere of hope and joy. Sometimes it  simply takes reminding them of all that they have to be thankful for, and/or sincerely letting them know what we appreciate about them. You will notice that I emphasized being sincere. Flattery helps no one. There is a power of conviction that accompanies sincerity, and people can feel it!

Be sure to share with them, that “Jesus is the Joy of living! When you do this for a few times, they will get the idea, that in your presence, negativity is not an option. This will help you preserve your power, and may help someone to see more water in their glass.



Don’t Give Away Your Power! -Part 2

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