The Covenant Within – Part 4

Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went. And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord,” says the Lord God, “when I am hallowed in you before their eyes” (Ezekiel 36: 22, 23). 

My Savior and my God, what a friend I have found in You! You are always where I can find You  dear ABBA! In my darkest, most vulnerable moments, when things seem hopeless, and fearful, Your loving kindness and tender mercies, are there to uphold me. Your everlasting arms, have never failed me! Please accept my eternal gratitude and love, and by Your grace, please help me to hallow Your name in my life. In the holy and gracious Name of Your Son, and my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Today we continue the conversation about the Covenant Within. During this conversation one thing becomes very obvious, that all who bear the name of Jesus, have been “bought with a price, the precious blood of [the Son of God]” (1 Peter 1:18, 19), and everything we do, should be done for His “glory” (1 Corinthian 10:31), because it is all about God, not us!

As disciples of Christ, we are to continue His legacy, of doing “nothing of [ourselves]” (John 5:19; 17:6-8). If we are faithful in “[lifting Christ up], then He will do what the Father sent Him to this earth to do, “draw all peoples to [Himself]” (John 12:32).

“Loving and saving souls” is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about (1 John 4:8; John 3:16; 10:16-18)! If this is not our focus, then we cannot accuse Israel of old, of not doing what they were chosen to do! It is so easy, to get caught up in the things that we consider important, that we forget what is of the greatest importance to God, and what we, have been  “called and chosen” to do, “proclaim His praises” so that people everywhere may be saved (1 Peter 2:9)!

Beloved ones, let us not forget what was the first line, in the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9)! His name should be hallowed, sanctified, revered, respected, glorified, in us, in our lives, in our love, and forgiving spirit, in our kindness to each other, and to a world, that is looking for a God who loves them unconditionally!

And all of this was included in the Covenant that God sought to establish with His people, and is still seeking to accomplish today! He has laid down the rules and conditions of the covenant. that can be summarized in one word, LOVE (Romans 13:10)!!!

But this is not about doing things, it is about being a child of God, a true believer in God’s ideals, and passionate about seeing the world won to Christ! This calls for an inside job to be done in each of us. That is why, He is writing His covenant within!

Now, that is Good News! Do you agree? I truly believe it is!

The Covenant Within – Part 4

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